Hurst, Andrea2019-06-142019-06-142005Hurst, A. (2005). The aporetic interweaving of relativity and relativism in Derrida's thinking. Acta Academica, (Supplement 2), 42-72.0587 - 2405 (print)2415 - 0479 (online) The connection between relativity and relativism both clarifies and is clarified by Derrida’s thinking. To show this, I shall first associate each term with compatible Derridean terms. “Economy”, “structure”, “problem” and “the possible”, related to relativity, match counterparts related to relativism, namely “aneconomy”, “freeplay”, “aporia” and “the impossible”. Next, the conjunction suspended between these constellations will be addressed by asking whether a Derridean account of this connection would be unambiguously antinomial, dialectical, or diacritical. These “logics” are worked through to show that Derrida’s thinking does not “fall from the sky” but remains in critical dialogue with the philosophical tradition. Derrida, however, uncovers the workings of another “logic” that acknowledges an inescapable paradox in the conjunction between relativity and relativism, to which one could assign the nickname “quasi-transcendental”.Afrikaans: Die verband tussen relatiwiteit en relativisme verhelder en word verhelder deur Derrida se denke. Ten einde dit te demonstreer, sal ek eerstens beide terme met versoenbare Derridiaanse terme assosieer. “Ekonomie,” “struktuur,” “probleem,” en “die moontlike,” verwant aan relatiwiteit, korrespondeer met teenhangers verwant aan relativisme, naam- lik, “anekonomie,” “vryspel,” “aporia” en “die onmoontlike.” Vervolgens sal die voegwoord wat tussen hierdie konstellasies hang, beredeneer word deur die vraag te stel of ’n Derridiaanse weergawe van hierdie verband ondubbelsinnig antinomies, dialekties of diakrities sou wees. Hierdie “logikas” word deurgewerk om aan te toon dat Derrida se denke nie bloot uit die lug val nie, maar in kritiese dialoog met die filosofiese tradisie verkeer. Derrida lê egter die werking van ’n ander “logika” bloot wat ’n onontkombare paradoks in die verbintenis tussen relatiwiteit en relativisme bevestig, en waaraan die bynaam “kwasi-transendentaal” gegee kan word.enRelativismRelativityDerridaThe aporetic interweaving of relativity and relativism in Derrida’s thinkingArticleUniversity of the Free State