Rossouw, Daneel2017-08-222017-08-222009Rossouw, D. (2009). Reflective thinking among a selected sample of South African educators: a qualitative study. Acta Academica, 41(1), 232-254.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) This article investigates how South African educators understand and practise reflective thinking, and whether they receive adequate training in reflective thinking during their in-service training. A literature study established a conceptual framework on reflective thinking, and an empirical investigation explored the experiences of a small sample of educators.Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel ondersoek die wyse waarop Suid-Afrikaanse opvoeders reflektiewe of besinnende denke verstaan en beoefen, asook die vraag of hulle gedurende hul indiensopleiding toereikende opleiding in besinnende denke ontvang. ’n Konseptuele raamwerk met betrekking tot besinnende denke is aan die hand van ’n literatuurstudie saamgestel, terwyl die ervaring van ’n klein steekproef van opvoeders empiries ondersoek is.enEducatorsSouth African educatorsReflective thinkingIn-service trainingReflective thinking among a selected sample of South African educators: a qualitative studyArticleUniversity of the Free State