McFarlane, Johann2016-06-152016-06-152010McFarlane, J. (2010). Group supervision: an appropriate way to guide postgraduate students?. Acta Academica, 42(4), 148-170.2415-0479 (online)0587-2405 (print) This article explores the potential of group supervision as a way of dealing with the growing number of students engaged in postgraduate studies. It refers to constructivist and cooperative learning theories which are applicable in this form of supervision, analyses the required changes in the supervisor’s role, and discusses key success factors such as strong relationships, the important role of the affective domain, and effective communication. While the findings refer to the benefits of group supervision, the article also discusses the problems associated with this method.Afrikaans: Die artikel ondersoek die potensiaal van groepstudieleiding as ’n manier om die probleem van stygende getalle nagraadse studente wat studieleiding benodig, aan te spreek. Dit verwys na koöperatiewe en konstruktiwistiese leerteorieë wat in dié metode ter sprake kom, ontleed die nodige aanpassings in die rol van die studieleier, en bespreek die kern suksesfaktore soos goeie interpersoonlike verhoudings, die belangrike rol van die affektiewe terrein en doeltreffende kommunikasie. Terwyl die bevindinge die voordele van groepstudieleiding uitlig, word die nadele daarvan ook bespreek.enPostgraduate studentsPostgraduate supervisionGroup supervision: an appropriate way to guide postgraduate students?ArticleUniversity of the Free State