Le Roux, Charl2017-09-132017-09-132001Le Roux, C. (2001). The role of the Native Advisory Board and the succeeding Urban Bantu Council of Mangaung, Bloemfontein, 1945-1973. Acta Academica, 33(2), 40-68.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online)http://hdl.handle.net/11660/6875English: In the absence of political and executive powers the Native Advisory Board and Urban Bantu Council of Mangaung could do very little to remedy their community’s urgent socio-economic and political grievances. Any success depended on the arbitrary decision of the authorities, who responded to requests only when this was of benefit to themselves, and otherwise deferred decisions indefinitely. The two bodies consequently had no prospect of greater powers. Their most important role was as municipal sources of information on African socio-economic and political needs, thought and opinion, and they proved to be in the majority of cases responsible and persistent champions of their community’s interests.Afrikaans: Die Naturelle-Adviesraad en Stedelike Bantoeraad van Mangaung het, in die afwesigheid van politieke en uitvoerende bevoegdhede, weinig sukses met die dringende sosio-ekonomiese en politieke griewe van die swart gemeenskap behaal. Hulle sukses was afhanklik van die arbitrêre mag van die owerhede wat slegs aan versoeke voldoen het indien hierdie owerhede self bevoordeel is. Andersins is versoeke onbepaald uitgestel. Die twee liggame het gevolglik onveranderd sonder die vooruitsig op meer bevoegdhede voortbestaan. Hulle grootste prestasie was uiteindelik hulle rol as informante van hulle gemeenskap se sosio-ekonomiese en politieke behoeftes, gedagtes en sienswyses, en om hulself in die meeste gevalle as verantwoordelike en volhardende kampvegters van hulle gemeenskapsbelange te bewysenNative Advisory BoardUrban Bantu Council of MangaungCommunitiesSocio-economic grievancesPolitical grievancesMunicipal sources of informationCommunity’s interestsThe role of the Native Advisory Board and the succeeding Urban Bantu Council of Mangaung, Bloemfontein, 1945-1973ArticleUniversity of the Free State