Smit, Marius2017-08-242017-08-242008Smit, M. (2008). Balancing rights in education: applying the proportionality test. Acta Academica, 40(3), 210-233.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) Educators and learners know that they are entitled to the protection of their rights, but are uncertain to what degree this protection extends. Fundamental rights are not absolute and may be limited by the rights of others, by laws of general application and by the definitional parameters of rights as described in the Constitution. This article explains the process of applying the balancing of fundamental rights in terms of the proportionality test of the general limitation clause (section 36) of the Constitution. Other non-fundamental rights are also limitable in terms of the principles of South African law. Court cases in the education setting are discussed illustrating examples of conflicting rights in schools. Such situations are opportunities for educators to apply the Constitution in the classroom by teaching learners a set of values consistent with the Bill of Rights.Afrikaans: Onderwysers en leerders weet dat hulle daarop geregtig is om hul regte te handhaaf en beskerm, maar is onseker tot watter mate hierdie handhawing geldig is. Fundamentele regte is nie absoluut nie en mag beperk word deur die regte van ander, algemeen-toepaslike wette en die omskrewe interne beperkings van elke reg. Hierdie artikel verduidelik die proses om die balansering van fundamentele regte toe te pas volgens die proportionaliteitstoets van die algemene beperkingsklousule (artikel 36) van die Grondwet. Ander nie-fundamentele regte is ook beperkbaar in terme van die beginsels van Suid-Afrikaanse reg. Sake binne die onderwyskonteks word bespreek ten einde as voorbeelde te dien vir gevalle waar regte met mekaar in botsing kom. Sulke gevalle is geleenthede vir opvoeders om konflikhantering te onderrig deur grondwetlike waardes in die klaskamers aan te wend.enEducators and learnersFundamental rightsProportionality testProtection of rightsBill of RightsBalancing rights in education: applying the proportionality testArticleUniversity of the Free State