Synthesis, substitution kinetics and electrochemistry of betadiketonato titanium and titanocene complexes with biomedical applications

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Erasmus, Elizabeth
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University of the Free State
English: Synthetic routes to prepare 13 new and 11 known complexes of the metals Ti, Zr, Hf and V with one bichelating ligands have been developed and optimised. A variety bi-chelating titanocenyl(IV) complexes of the form [Tc(CH3CXCHCOR)]+ClO4 - {Tc = (C5H5)2Ti2+, X = O, S and R = CH3, Ph, CF3, Fc and OCH3} and [Tc(LL’)] {LL’ = 1,2-benzenediolato, 1,2-benzenedithiolato and 2,2-biphenyldiolato} were synthesised. Similar metallocene complexes, namely [Vc(CH3COCHCOFc)]+ClO4 - and [Mc(CH3COCHCOOCH3)]+ClO4 - with Mc = (C5H5)2V2+, (C5H5)2Zr2+ and (C5H5)2Hf2+ were also successfully prepared. A series of 7 new and 4 known bis- β-diketonato metal complexes of the form [M(Cp)(Cl)(CH3COCHCOR)2], where M = Ti, Zr, Hf and V and R = CH3, Ph, CF3 and Fc were also prepared. Electrochemical studies in CH3CN on the mono-β-diketonato titanocenyl(IV) complexes all revealed chemical and electrochemical reversible Ti4+/Ti3+ couples, with the Fc/Fc+ couple of the [Tc(CH3COCHCOFc)]+ClO4 - complex electrochemically quasi-reversible. The formal reduction potential of the Ti4+/Ti3+ couple increased with an increase in group electronegativity of the R group of the β-diketonato ligand. Electrochemical studies in CH3CN on for the metallocene dichlorides of Zr, Hf and V, all showed chemical irreversibility, Ti showed chemical reversibility but electrochemical irreversibile with Epc dependent on the metals’ atomic electronegativity. The M4+/M3+ couple of the bis-acetylacetonato metal(IV) complexes, [M(Cp)(Cl)(CH3COCHCOCH3)2] with M = Ti, Zr, Hf and V all displayed a chemical irreversible character in contrast to the bis-ferrocenylacetone metal(IV) complexes, [M(Cp)(Cl)(CH3COCHCOFc)2] with M = Ti, Zr, Hf and V, showed chemical reversibility, but electrochemical irreversibility for the M4+/M3+ couple. The Fc/Fc+ couples display electrochemical quasi-reversibility except for the V-complex. Substitution kinetics involving substitution of the bidentate ligand from [Tc(OC6H4O)], [Tc(CH3COCHCOCH3)]+ClO4 -, [Tc(CH3CSCHCOCH3)]+ClO4 - and [Tc(OC6H4C6H4O)] with either acetylacetone, thioacetylacetone and 2,2-biphenyldiol showed the following stability series: {most stable} [Tc(OC6H4C6H4O)] (7 membered ring) > [Tc(CH3CSCHCOCH3)]+ (6 membered ring) > [Tc(CH3COCHCOCH3)]+ (6 membered ring) > [Tc(OC6H4O)] (5 membered ring) {least stable} Large negative activation entropy ΔS* found for all substitution reactions, indicated towards an associative mechanism of substitution. Cytotoxic studies revealed that complexes containing more than one antineoplastic moiety, [Tc(CH3COCHCOFc)]+ClO4 -, and [Ti(Cp)(Cl)(CH3COCHCOFc)2], showed better cytotoxicity than TcCl2 (currently in clinical trial phase II) for the CoLo and HeLa cell lines, probably due to a synergistic effect of the ferrocenyl ligand and the titanocenyl moiety.
Afrikaans: Sintetiese metodes om 13 nuwe en 11 bekende komplekse van die metale Ti, Zr, Hf en V met een bicheleerende ligande te sintetiseer is ontwikkel en geoptimiseer. ‘n Verskeidenheid bi-cheleerende titanoseniel (IV) komplekse met die vorm [Tc(CH3COCHCXR)]+ClO4 - {Tc = (C5H5)2Ti2+, X = O, S en R = CH3, Ph, CF3, Fc en OCH3} en [Tc(LL’)] {LL’ = 1,2-benzeendiolato, 1,2-benzeenditiolato en 2,2-bifenieldiolato} is gesintetiseer. Soortgelyke komplekse, naamlik [Vc(CH3COCHCOFc)]+ClO4 - en [Mc(CH3COCHCOOCH3)]+ClO4 - met Mc = (C5H5)2V2+, (C5H5)2Zr2+ en (C5H5)2Hf2+ is ook suksesvol gesintetiseer. ‘n Reeks van 7 nuwe en 4 bekende bis-β-diketonato metaal komplekse met die vorm [M(Cp)(Cl)(CH3COCHCOR)2], waar M = Ti, Zr, Hf en V asook R = CH3, Ph, CF3 en Fc, is ook gesintetiseer. Elektrochemiese studies in CH3CN op die titanoseniel(IV) mono-β-diketonato komplekse het almal chemies en elektrochemiese omkeerbaarheid getoon vir die Ti4+/Ti3+ koppels, met die Fc/Fc+ koppel van die [Tc(CH3COCHCOFc)]+ClO4 - kompleks elektrochemiese quasi-omkeerbaar. Die formele reduksie potensiaal van die Ti4+/Ti3+ koppels neem toe soos daar ‘n toename is in die groep elektronegatiwiteit van die R groep van die β-diketonato ligand. Elektrochemiese data vir die metalloseen dichloriede van Zr, Hf en V het almal chemiese onomkeerbaarheid getoon, Ti is chemies omkeerbaar en elektrochemies onomkeerbaar, met die Epc waardes wat deur die metaal se atomiese elektronegatiwiteit beïnvloed word. Die M4+/M3+ koppel van die bis-asetielasetonato metaal(IV) kompleks, [M(Cp)(Cl)(CH3COCHCOCH3)2] waar M = Ti, Zr, Hf en V het chemiese onomkeerbare gedrag getoon, in kontras met die bis-ferrosenielasetonato metaal(IV) komplekse, [M(Cp)(Cl)(CH3COCHCOFc)2] waar M = Ti, Zr, Hf en V, wat chemiese omkeerbaarheid en elektrochemies onomkeerbaarheid getoon het vir die M4+/M3+ koppel. Die Fc/Fc+ koppels het elektrochemiese quasiomkeerbaarheid getoon behalwe vir die V-kompleks. Substitusie kinetika behels die substitusie van die bi-cheleerende ligande vanaf [Tc(OC6H4O)], [Tc(CH3COCHCOCH3)]+ClO4 -, [Tc(CH3CSCHCOCH3)]+ClO4 - of [Tc(OC6H4C6H4O)] met asetielasetoon, tioasetielasetoon of 2,2-bifenieldiol het die volgende stabiliteits reeks gelewer: {mees stabiel} [Tc(OC6H4C6H4O)] (7 lid ring) > [Tc(CH3CSCHCOCH3)]+ (6 lid ring) > [Tc(CH3COCHCOCH3)]+(6 lid ring) > [Tc(OC6H4O)] (5 lid ring) {minste stabiel} Die groot negatiewe entropie van aktiveering ΔS* vir al die substitusie reaksies, het ‘n assiosatiewe meganisme van substitusie aandui. Sitotoksiese studies het gewys dat komplekse wat meer as een antineoplastiese eenheid besit, [Tc(CH3COCHCOFc)]+ClO4 - en [Ti(Cp)(Cl)(CH3COCHCOFc)2], het beter sitotoksisiteit getoon as TcCl2 (wat tans in kliniese toets fase II is) teen die CoLo en HeLa sel lyne, waarskynlik as gevolg van die sinergistiese effek van die ferroseniel ligand en die titanoseniel eenheid.
Metallocenes, β-diketones, Cyclic voltammetry, Substitution kinetics, Cytotoxicity, Organometallic compounds, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2003