Rhenium and technetium radio-isotope complexes linked to biologically active molecules

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Volmink, Amanda-Lee
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University of the Free State
English: Rhenium is the third row congener and 5d analogue of technetium. Technetium is the most widely used radionuclide in diagnostic imaging, thus it would be advantageous to explore the use of rhenium as a possible therapeutic radiopharmaceutical. The advantage of using rhenium instead, is that it is non-radioactive in its natural form, possessing similar properties as technetium. Their (rhenium and technetium) chemical behaviour is so similar that it is almost impossible for biological systems to differentiate between them. These similarities include size, shape, lipophillicity, dipole moment, charge and ionic mobility, thus forming complexes of the same geometry. The main attraction in the use of rhenium as a potential radiopharmaceutical agent is the fac-[Re(CO)3]+ moiety. Only a few crystal structures of the form, fac-[Re(O-O’)(CO)3X], (O-O’ = bidentate ligands and X being halides, monodentate ligands etc.) has been published. In 2012 only ten crystal structures containing O,O’- donor bidentate ligands have been introduced. Substitution kinetic studies using rhenium tricarbonyl complexes is still an under explored field. The principle aim in this study, was to synthesise complexes of the form, fac-[M(L,L’)3(CO)3X] (M = Re, Tc; L,L’ = O,O’- and N,O-donor bidentate ligands; X = Br-, Py, H2O). These bidentate ligands include compounds that are biologically active. In synthesising these complexes, two new rhenium(I) crystal structures, containing O,O’-donor bidentate ligands have been introduced. The bidentate ligand systems, used in this study was O,O’ -donor ligand systems, acetylacetone (Acac), trifluoroacetylacetone (TFA), hexafluoroacetylacetone (HFA) and N,O-donor ligands, ephedrine (Eph) and 8-hydroxyl-quinoline (8-Quin). The following three 99mTc complexes were synthesised, fac-[99mTc(Acac)(CO)3(H2O)], fac-[99mTc(TFA)(CO)3(H2O)] and fac-[99mTc(HFA)(CO)3(H2O)] and their formation was established, using reverse phase thin layer chromatography (TLC). Their Rf values increased in the following order: fac-[99mTc(Acac)(CO)3(H2O)] (0.227) > fac-[99mTc(TFA)(CO)3(H2O)] (0.392) > fac-[99mTc(HFA)(CO)3(H2O)] (0.537), indicative of their solubility in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. In the substitution kinetic study, pyridine was used as the entering ligand to substitute the methanol ligand. Chapter 4 describes the characterisation of the synthesised compounds, using IR, UV/VIS, 1H-NMR as well as 13C-NMR. The complexes that were characterised by X-ray crystallography are: fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(Py)] and fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(Py)]. Both complexes crystallised out in the P21/c space group, with their RE-O'O bond distances at 2.135(3) Å and 2.117(3) Å, for fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(Py)], and 2.127(2) Å and 2.1376(19) Å for fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(Py)]. A trend was observed in the IR data in terms of the stretching frequencies (VCO), with an increase in the VCO (caused by the influence of the electron withdrawing flourine atoms) in the following order: fac-[Re(Acac)(CO)3(OH2)] (2015 cm-1, 1907 cm-1, 1879 cm-1) < fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(OH2)] (2018 cm-1, 1895 cm-1, 1878 cm-1) < fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(OH2)] (2025 cm-1, 1917 cm-1, 1888 cm-1), indicating a decrease in the electron density surrounding the metal centre and thus a decrease in the CO π-back bonding, causing the Re-OH2 bond to shorten. The kinetic rate for the substitution of the methanol ligand (at 25°C) yielded the following results: fac-[Re(Acac)(CO)3(CH3OH)] (k1 = 13.7(1) x 10-3 M-1.s-1) > fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(CH3OH)] (k1 = 0.35(3) x 10-3 M-1.s-1) > fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(CH3OH)] (k1 = 0.17(3) x 10-3 M-1.s-1). This difference in the kinetic rate is highly affectd by the electron withdrawing fluorine atoms, attached to the coordinated bidentated ligands of fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(CH3OH) and fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(CH3OH)]. The activation parameters obtained were as follows: ∆H≠ = 64(1) kJ mol-1 and ∆S≠ = -65(5) J K-1 mol-1, with the negative ∆S≠ value indicating towards an interchange associative type mechanism. A cell study performed on oesophageal cancer cell line with fac-[Re(Acac)(CO)3(Py)] (IC50 = 14.92) and fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(Py)] (IC50 = 16.13), using MTT assay protocol did not yield promising results.
Afrikaans: Tegnesium is die radionuklied wat die meeste gebruik word in diagnostiese beelding. Tenium kom voor in dieselfde groep (Groep VII) as tegnesium en is sy 5d analoog, daarom sal dit voordelig wees om die gebruik van renium as 'n moontlike terapeutiese readiofarmaseutiesemiddel te bestudeer. Renium en tegnesium het dieselfde eienskappe, en omdat renium nie radioaktief is in sy natuurlike vorm nie, sal dit beter wees om dit te gebruik in plaas van tegnesium. Hulle chemiese gedrag is soortgelyk en dit maak dit amper onmoontlik vir biologiese sisteme om tussen die twee te kan onderskei. Hierdie ooreenkomste sluit hulle grootte, lipofilisiteit, dipool moment, lading en ioniese mobiliteit in, daarom vorm hulle ook komplekse van dieselfde geometrie. Die grootste aantrekking vir die gebruik van renium as 'n moontlike radiofarmaseutiese agent, is die fac-[Re(CO)3]+ moïeteit. Min kristal strukture met die vorm fac-[Re(O-O’)(CO)3X], (O-O’ = bidentate ligande en X halide, monodentate ligande ens.) is gepubliseer. In 2012 is net tien kristal strukture, wat O-O’ -bidentate ligande bevat, alreeds gepubliseer. Baie min werk is gedoen op die renium trikarboniel komplekse, met betrekking tot substitusie kinetika. Die doel van hierdie studie was om komplekse met die volgende vorm, fac-[M(L,L’)3(CO)3X] (M = Re, Tc; L,L’ = O,O’- en N,O-skenkede bidentate ligande; X = Br-, Py, H2O), te sintetiseer. Die bidentate ligande wat gebruik is, sluit biologiese aktiewe verbindings in. Die O,O’-skenkings bidentate ligand sisteme wat gebruik is, is asetielasetoon (Acac), trifluooroasetielasetoon (TFA) en heksafluooroasetielasetoon (HFA), terwyl efedrien (Eph) en 8-hidroksiekinolien (8-Quin) as N,O-skenkende ligande gebruik is. Drie 99mTc kompleke word ook gesintetiseer, insluitende fac-[99mTc(Acac)(CO)3(H2O)], fac-[99mTc(TFA)(CO)3(H2O)] en fac-[99mTc(HFA)(CO)3(H2O)]. Die vorming van hierdie produkte is deur middel van die omgekeerde fase 'TLC' metode bevestig. Die Rf waardes vermeerder as volg: fac-[99mTc(Acac)(CO)3(H2O)] (0.227) > fac-[99mTc(TFA)(CO)3(H2O)] (0.392) > fac-[99mTc(HFA)(CO)3(H2O)] (0.537). Dit is 'n indikasie van die oplosbaarheid van hierdie komplekse in 0.1% trifluooroasynsuur. Pyridien is gebruik as 'n inkomende ligand, om die metanol ligand te verplaas in die substitusie kinetika studie. Hoofstuk 4 beskryf die karakterisering van die gesintetiseerde verbindings deur middel van IR/ UV/VIS, 1H-KMR asook 13C-KMR. fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(Py)] en fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(Py)] is deur middel van X-straal kirstallografie gekarakteriseer. Albei komplekse kristalliseer in 'n P21/c ruimtegroep, met Re-O'O bindings afstande van 2.135(3) Å en 2.117(3) Å, vir fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(Py)] en fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(Py)] onderskeidelik. 'n Patroon is waargeneem met betrekking tot die strekkingsfrekwensies (VCO) van die verbindings. 'n Toename in die VCO (invloed van die elektron ontrekkende fluoor atome) is as volg waargeneem: fac-[Re(Acac)(CO)3(OH2)] (2015 cm-1, 1907 cm-1, 1879 cm-1) < fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(OH2)] (2018 cm-1, 1895 cm-1, 1878 cm-1) < fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(OH2)] (2025 cm-1, 1917 cm-1, 1888 cm-1). Die afname in elektron digtheid rondom die metal senter, veroorsaak dat die CO π-terugbinding af neem, dus verkort die Re-OH2 binding. Die kinetika studie in die substitusie van die metanol ligand, het die volgende resultate opgelewer: fac-[Re(Acac)(CO)3(CH3OH)] (k1 = 13.7(1) x 10-3 M-1.s-1) > fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(CH3OH)] (k1 = 0.35(3) x 10-3 M-1.s-1) > fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(CH3OH)] (k1 = 0.17(3) x 10-3 M-1.s-1). Hierdie verskil in die reaksie tempo word hoofsaaklik deur die elektron ontrekkende fluoor atome, wat gebind is aan die bidentate ligande van fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(CH3OH) en fac-[Re(HFA)(CO)3(CH3OH)], beinvloed. Die resultate van die aktiverings parameters is as volg: ∆H≠ = 64(1) kJ mol-1 en ∆S≠ = -65(5) J K-1 mol-1. Die negatiewe ∆S≠ waarde dui op 'n interuitruiling assosiatiewe tipe meganisme. Die komplekse wat getoets is op slukderm kanker sel lyne is fac-[Re(Acac)(CO)3(Py)] (IC50 = 14.92) en fac-[Re(TFA)(CO)3(Py)] (IC50 = 16.13). Die sel studie was gedoen met behulp van die sogenaamde 'MTT assay protocol' en dit het nie belowende resultate opgelewer nie.
Radiopharmaceutical, Cell study, Aqua substitution, Biologically active, X-ray crystallography, Rhenium tricarbonyl, O,O'-donor bidentate ligands, Stretching frequencies, Technetium-99m, Bioactive compounds, Radioisotopes -- Therapeutic use, Technetium compounds -- Synthesis, Organorhenium compounds -- Synthesis, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2012