Occupational therapy and ideology: a critical investigation

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Van der Merwe, Tania
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University of the Free State
English: Occupational Therapy’s (henceforth referred to as OT) self-concept apparently remains, for all practical purposes, not well defined. While the complexity of the OT profession’s definition and their subsequent difficulty of articulating this might point to the very unique character of the OT profession, it does not follow from this that its future relevancy is therefore ensured. It is furthermore contended that due to the ongoing self-definition of the profession, there is a globally increased focus on occupational therapy’s values and philosophy about our relationships with not only those to whom we render a service, but also the environmental realities we form part of. An inevitable link is indicated between critical reflection in OT practice, and the profession’s identity. While research on reflexive practice may be associated with the critical theoretical framework or critical social theory, this type of research in OT appears to be relatively scarce, and is mostly associated with research topics pertaining to clinical reasoning. In order to explore one possible path through these complex problems, this study turns to the core field of philosophy, which is that discipline that studies essentially the foundations of disciplines (among other things). The present study will avail itself of a specific philosophical and sociological tool namely ideology theory. Currently, little or nothing is known about the presence of specific ideologies in the field of OT. Ideology theory is closely related to critique and self-reflection. The main aim of this study is to perform a critical analysis of the presence of ideology in the profession of OT, by applying a three-dimensional ideology analysis. In order to meet this aim, an innovative approach had to be followed during which a unique methodology is argued. This study is subsequently typified as a (so-called) non-empirical type of research, based on a critical theoretical framework, using philosophical analysis as a study design, specifically applying ideology critique as a method of analysis. In accordance with existing approaches in ideology theory, this study focuses on three levels of analysis in its own model of ideology critique: the sociohistorical analysis of concrete contexts of domination (Chapters 2 & 3 and 5) the formal-structural analysis of the theory (model) of ideology critique that is used (Chapter 4), and finally, a creative end-interpretation of these analyses (Epilogue) with suggested perspectives for the ‘de-idolized’ future of OT. The ideology critique model (Ideology Typography of Modernity or ITM) applied in this study revealed a systematic identification of ideologies that are present in the OT profession. These analyses show that ideology critique may serve as a methodical tool for critical self-reflection, offering a limited but penetrating perspective on the ‘deep structure’ of OT discourse.
Afrikaans: Die self-konsep van Arbeidsterapie (voortaan AT) bly klaarblyklik vir alle praktiese doeleindes nie goed gedefinieerd nie. Terwyl die kompleksiteit van die AT professie se definisie en die feit dat hul dit moeilik vind om dit te artikuleer dalk juis mag dui op die unieke karakter van die AT professie, kan dit nie afgelei word dat die beroep noodwendig relevant sal bly in die toekoms nie. Weens die beroep se voortgaande self-definisie word daar verder aangevoer dat globaal meer gefokus word of AT se waardes en filosofie oor hul verhoudings met die mense aan wie hul ‘n diens lewer sowel as die omgewingsrealiteite waarvan hul ook deel vorm. ‘n Onvermydelike aansluiting word aangedui tussen kritiese refleksie in AT praktyk en die beroep se identiteit. Terwyl reflektiewe praktyk geassosieerd mag wees met die kritiese teoretiese verwysingsraamwerk of kritiese sosiale teorie, blyk hierdie tipe navorsing in AT taamlik skaars te wees en word meestal met navorsingstemas oor kliniese beredenering verbind. Ten einde om een moontlike weg deur hierdie komplekse probleme te verken, draai hierdie studie na die kernveld van filosofie – die dissipline wat essensieel die grondslag van alle dissiplines bestudeer (onder andere). Die huidige studie gaan die geleentheid te baat neem om ‘n spesifieke filosofiese en sosiologiese hulpmiddel naamlik ideologieteorie te gebruik. Tans is daar min of niks te wete oor die teenwoordigheid van spesifieke ideologieë in die veld van Arbeidsterapie nie. Ideologie teorie hou strykelings verband met kritiek en self-refleksie. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie studie is om ‘n kritiese analise van die teenwoordigheid van ideologieë in die AT beroep uit te voer, deur ‘n driedimensionele ideologie analise toe te pas. Ten einde hierdie doelwit te bereik, moes ‘n innoverende benadering gevolg word waartydens ‘n unieke metodologie beredeneer is. Hierdie studie word dus getipeer as (sogenaamde) non-empiriese tipe navorsing, gegrond op ‘n kritiese teoretiese verwysingsraamwerk, met die gebruik van filosofiese analise as ‘n studie ontwerp, en waartydens spesifiek ideologiekritiek as metode van analise toegepas word. In ooreenstemming met bestaande benaderings in ideologiekritiek, fokus die huidige studie op drie vlakke van analise binne die studie se eie model van ideologiekritiek: die sosio-historiese analise binne die konkrete kontekste van dominasie (Hoofstukke 2 & 3 en 5), die formeel-strukturele analise van die teorie (model) van ideologiekritiek wat gebruik word (Hoofstuk 4) en eindelik, ‘n kreatiewe eindinterpretaise van hierdie analises (Epiloog) met voorgestelde perspektiewe vir die ‘gedeïdeologiseerde’ toekoms van AT. Die model vir ideologiekritiek (“Ideology Typography of Modernity”, of ITM) wat in hierdie studie toegepas word, onthul ‘n sistematiese identifisering van ideologieë wat teenwoordig mag wees in die AT professie. Die analises dui daarop aan dat ideologiekritiek mag dien as ‘n metodiese hulpmiddel vir kritiese self-refleksie, wat ‘n beperkte maar deurdringende perspektief bied van die ‘diep struktuur’ van AT diskoers.
Occupation therapy, Epistemology, Self-reflection, Moral treatment, Moral consciousnes, Dissertation (M.D. (Occupational Therapy))--University of the Free State, 2006