Teoretiese oorwegings by die daarstel van beoordelingskriteria vir afrikaanse toneelkompetisies: die nagtegaal-teksprys as gevallenstudie

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Lambrechts, Hendrik Adam Albertyn
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University of the Free State
English: The contribution of playwriting competitions to the development of the contemporary Afrikaans theater should not be underestimated. The Nagtegaal playwriting competition, one of South Africa's leading competitions in this genre, came to an end in 2010. However, the niche that this competition and similar initiatives have filled in the South African theatre system is of such a nature that it is only a matter of time before it is filled again by the same or a similar initiative. The top five entries for the Nagtegaal playwriting competition in 2008 have been chosen as the focus point of this study and are evaluated according to a proposed methodology. This framework, based on academic principles, aims to identify valuable Afrikaans texts so that they may be preserved for the future. It is also supposed that such a framework could serve to add further depth and credibility to these competitions, prolonging their existence. The model divides the text into its respective elements and evaluates each one individually in order to arrive at a clear impression of the text as a whole. A playwriting competition should not focus exclusively on promoting texts that are popular, but rather on texts that will stand the test of time. It is a commonly accepted fact that literature, and specifically the play, is a reflection of the social order of the community for which, and in which, it is created. The continued existence of these texts as study material for future generations is thus of paramount importance as a part of the development of Afrikaans literature.
Afrikaans: Die bydrae wat dramateks-kompetisies tot die ontwikkeling van hedendaagse Afrikaanse drama bied kan nie onderskat word nie. Die Nagtegaal-teksprys, een van Suid-Afrika se vooraanstaande dramateks-kompetisies, het in 2010 tot 'n einde gekom. Die leemte wat die Nagtegaal-teksprys en soortgelyke kompetisies in die Afrikaanse teater sisteem vul, is egter van so 'n aard dat hierdie gaping binnekort weer gevul sal word deur dieselfde of ten minste 'n soortgelyke inisiatief. Die vyf top inskrywings vir die Nagtegaal-teksprys van 2008 is as studieterrein gekies en geëvalueer volgens 'n voorgestelde metodiek. Hierdie raamwerk, gegrond op 'n akademiese onderbou, beoog om waardevolle Afrikaanse tekste te identifiseer en by te voeg tot die Afrikaanse kanon. Daar word ook veronderstel dat so 'n raamwerk moontlike verdieping en kredietwaardigheid aan dramateks-kompetisies kan bied wat 'n langer lewensduur daaraan kan verleen. Die model verdeel die teks in sy verskillende elemente en evalueer elke aspek individueel om sodoende 'n duidelike beeld van die teks as geheel te verkry. 'n Dramateks-kompetisie behoort nie alleenlik populêre tekste te bevorder nie, maar juis tekste wat die toets van die tyd sal deurstaan. Dit is 'n algemeen aanvaarde feit dat literatuur, en spesifiek die dramateks, die mondstuk is waarvolgens die sosiale orde van die gemeenskap waarvoor en waarin dit geskep is, weerspieël. Hierdie tekste moet dus bly voortbestaan om deur opvolgende generasies bestudeer te kan word as 'n deel van die ontwikkeling van Afrikaanse literatuur.
Reception theory, Development of the South African theatre, Afrikaans arts festivals, Nagtegaal prize, Dramatext, Dramatext competitions, History of literature, Drama structure, Campus theatre, Arts councils, Theater -- South Africa -- History, Afrikaans drama -- Competitions, Afrikaans drama -- History and criticism, Art festivals -- South Africa, Literature -- History and criticism, Dissertation (M.A. (Drama and Theatre Arts))--University of the Free State, 2011