Pathogenic variability and yield losses associated with rust diseases of barley and oats in South Africa

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Van Niekerk, Burgert Daniel
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University of the Free State
English: This study showed less variation in the South African populations of P. hordei, P. graminis f. sp. avenae and especially P. coronata f. sp. avenae than was expected. In the case of P. hordei only two pathotypes were identified from a total of 810 isolates sampled over a six-year period. Pathotype SAPh 3231 was virulent to resistance genes Rph 1, Rph4, Rph5, Rph 10 and Rph 11, while pathotype SAPh 7231 had added virulence to Rph12. The occurrence of only one pathotype up to 1998 and the gaining of virulence to Rph 12 can be explained by the cultivars planted during this period. The cultivar Clipper dominated production until 1998 when the release of SSG 532, containing Rph 12, supplied sufficient selection pressure to allow a mutation to establish. It was found that the reaction types of barley differential sets were not only influenced by the host and pathogen genotypes, but by a complicated interaction of environmental factors. The presence of the resistant gene Rph12 was postulated in various cultivars. The study of accessory hosts identified some wild Hordeum accessions to be weak hosts for P. hordei while no evidence of the teleomorph of P. hordei could be found in South Africa. The 269 single-pustule isolates of P. eoronata f. sp. avenae revealed only one pathotype (SAPc 1) with virulence to the resistance genes Pc40, Pc45, Pc46, Pc51 and Pc54. Four greenhouse mutants were also detected. These isolates overcame Pc35, Pc48, Pc50, Pc52 and Pc64, indicating the vulnerability of these genes should they be used commercially. Although more pathotypes were expected, the presence of only one race could be explained by the cultivars grown and the differential set used. The wild oat species Avena fatua, A. byzantina, A. steriIis and A. barbata were susceptible to crown rust. The most variation in population composition was found in P. graminis f. sp. avenae with four pathotypes identified out of the 242 single-pustule isolates tested. Pathotype SAPga 1 had virulence to resistance genes Pg1, Pg2, Pg4, Pg8 and Pg15, while pathotype SAPga 2 was similar except for added virulence to Pg9. Pathotype SAPga 4, on the other hand, had the same virulence profile as SAPga 2, except for added virulence to Pga. Pathotype SAPga 3 was virulent to Pg1, Pg8 and Pg 15. All four pathotypes were virulent on A. fatua, A. byzantina and A. sterilis, while A. barbata was resistant to all four pathotypes. Losses due to these three rust species in South African barley and oat cultivars were higher than expected. The barley cultivar SSG 525 sustained losses of 58% in yield and 61% in kernel plumpness, while the percentage siftings in Sterling was increased by as much as 590%. In resistant cultivars, differences between sprayed and unsprayed plots were in most cases not significant. In oats, yield was reduced by as much as 85% in the cultivars Euro and Echidna, and hectolitre mass with 45% in Witteberg. This study clearly showed the destructive nature of these rust diseases and their impact on economically important parameters. It laid the foundation for further investigations and it should be emphasised that continual monitoring of these pathogens is necessary to provide meaningful contributions to rust control of barley and oats in South Africa.
Afrikaans: Die studie toon minder variasie in die Suid-Afrikaanse Puccinia hordei, P. graminis f. sp. avenae en veral P. coronata f. sp. avenae populasies as wat aanvanklik verwag is. Oor In sesjaar-periode en In totaal van 810 isolate kon daar slegs twee patotipes in P. hordei geïdentifiseer word. Patotipe SAPh 3231 was virulent op die weerstandsgene Rph1, Rph4, Rph5, Rph10 en Rph11, terwyl patotipe SAPh 7231 bykomende virulensie het tot Rph 12. Die voorkoms van slegs een patotipe tot en met 1998 kan verklaar word deur die garskultivars verbou gedurende die studieperiode. Tot met die vrystelling van SSG 532 in 1998 het die kultivar Clipper garsaanplantings oorheers. SSG 532, wat oor die weerstandsgeen Rph12 beskik, het In genoegsame seleksievoordeel gestel vir die vestiging van die nuwe mutante patotipe. Die teenwoordigheid van Rph12 is ook in verskeie cultivars gepostuleer. Dit is gevind dat reaksietipes van garsblaarroes differensiërende lyne nie alleen deur gasheer en patogeen genotipes beïnvloed word nie, maar ook deur In komplekse interaksie van omgewingsfaktore. Sekere Hordeum spesies kan voorts as swak gashere vir P. hordei dien terwyl die geslagtelike fase van die swam nie in Suid Afrika opgespoor kon word nie. Uit die 269 P. coronata f. sp. avenae enkelpuisie-isolate kon daar sleg een patotipe (SAPc 1) geïdentifiseer word met virulensie tot die weerstandsgene Pc40, Pc45, Pc46, Pc51 en Pc54. Vier glashuismutante is ook opgemerk. Hierdie isolate het Pc35, Pc48, Pc50, Pc52 en Pc64 oorkom wat dui op die kwesbaarheid van hierdie weerstandgene sou hulle in kommersiële kultivars gebruik word. Alhoewel meer patotipes verwag was kan die voorkoms van slegs een patotipe verklaar word deur die kultivars verbou, asook moontlik die differensiële stel wat gebruik is. Die hawerspesies Avena fatua, A. byzantina, A.sterilis en A. barbata was vatbaar vir kroonroes. Die meeste variasie in populasie-samesteling is gevind in P. graminis f. sp. avenae waar vier patotipes geïdentifseer is uit 242 enkelpuisie isolate. Patotipe SAPga 1 besit virulensie tot die weerstandsgene Pg1, Pg2, Pg4, Pg8, en Pg15, tewyl patotipe SAPga 2 soortgelyk was, maar met bykomende virulensie tot Pg9. Patotipe SAPga 4 het dieselfde virulensieprofiel as dié van SAPga 2, met die uitsondering van addisionele virulensie tot Pga. Patotipe SAPga 3 was virulent op weerstandsgene Pg1, Pg8 en Pg15. AI vier hierdie patotipes was virulent op A. fatua, A. byzantina en A. sterilis, maar avirulent op A. barbata. Verliese veroorsaak deur hierdie drie roespatogene in Suid-Afrikaanse gars- en hawerkultivars was hoër as wat verwag is. Die garskultivar SSG 525 het verliese van 58% in opbrengs en 61% in vetkorrelpersentasie ervaar terwyl blaarroes die persentasie sifsels in Stirling met soveel as 590% verhoog het. In die geval van weerstandbiedende kultivars was die verskil tussen fungisied-bespuite en ongespuite behandelings meestal nie betekenisvol nie. In hawer het blaar- en stamroesinfeksie die opbrengs met soveel as 85% verlaag in die kultivars Euro en Echidna, terwyl hektolitermassa met 45% gedaal het in Witteberg. Die studie toon duidelik die destruktiewe aard van hierdie roessiektes en hul betekenisvolle invloed op ekonomies-belangrike eienskappe. Hierdie studie vorm ook die basis vir verdere navorsing en beklemtoon dat die volgehoue monitering van hierdie patogene noodsaaklik is vir die doeltreffende beheer van roessiektes van gars en hawer in Suid Afrika.
Puccinia hordei, Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae, Pathogenic variability, Yield loss, Barley, Oats, Oats -- Diseases and pests -- South Africa, Barley -- Diseases and pests -- South Africa, Rust diseases -- South Africa, Dissertation (M.Sc.Agric. (Plant Pathology))--University of the Free State, 1999