Die verband tussen psigososiale faktore en uitbranding by entrepreneurs

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Venter, Suzanne
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University of the Free State
English: The aim of this study was to determine which factors contribute to burnout in entrepreneurs. The contribution of entrepreneurs towards economic growth, job creation and international competitiveness, increases the pressure placed upon them to furnish successful businesses and positive outcomes. The contribution of this enormous workload increases stress levels and enhances the risk for burnout. This study focuses on the role of demographic factors (namely gender and age), fortigenic factors (namely self-appraisal, family support and general social support) and personality factors (namely neuroticism, extroversion, openness for experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness) in experiencing burnout. To perform this non-experiential correlational investigation, an availability sample of 126 entrepreneurs or owners of businesses were approached to take part in this investigation. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey by Maslach and Jackson (1996) was used to measure the level of burnout, while the Revised NEO-Personality Inventory by Costa en McCrae (1992) and the Fortitude Questionnaire by Pretorius (1997) were used to measure personality factors and fortitude factors. Sufficient signs for burnout were not found in this investigation group. It seems that cynicism plays the most significant role in this investigation group. Younger entrepreneurs in South Africa seem to be more prone to burnout. No significant differences were found in the levels of burnout reported by the different genders. It seems that self-appraisal showed the most significant contribution to the level of emotional exhaustion in this investigation group. Family support and general social support did not play a significant role with regard to burnout in this investigation group. According to the results of the hierarchical–regression analysis, none of the personality variables had a significant influence on burnout in this investigation group. The possibility of alternative predictive factors in experiencing burnout has to be investigated further.
Afrikaans: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om die faktore wat ‘n bydrae lewer tot uitbranding by entrepreneurs, te ondersoek. Entrepreneurs se bydrae in ekonomiese vooruitgang, werkskepping en internasionale mededinging verhoog die druk wat op hulle geplaas word ten einde suksesvolle besighede en positiewe uitkomstes te lewer. Die enorme werksdruk dra by tot verhoogde stresvlakke en ‘n risiko vir uitbranding. Hierdie ondersoek fokus op die rol van demografiese faktore (naamlik geslag en ouderdom), fortigene faktore (naamlik selfbeoordeling, gesinsondersteuning en algemene sosiale ondersteuning) en persoonlikheidsfaktore (naamlik neurotisisme, ekstroversie, openheid vir ervaring, welgevalligheid en pligsgetrouheid) in die ervaring van uitbranding. Ter uitvoering van diè nie-eksperimentele korrelasionele ondersoek is ‘n beskikbaarheidsteekproef van 126 entrepreneurs of eienaars van besighede genader om aan die ondersoek deel te neem. Die vlak van uitbranding is met die Maslach Uitbrandingsvraelys-Algemene opname van Maslach en Jackson (1996) gemeet, terwyl die Hersiene NEO-Persoonlikheidsvraelys van Costa en McCrae (1992) en die Fortaliteitsvraelys van Pretorius (1997) vir die meting van persoonlikheids- en fortaliteitsfaktore gebruik is. Daar is nie voldoende tekens gevind vir uitbranding by hierdie ondersoekgroep nie. Die rol van sinisme in hierdie ondersoekgroep, is as die mees beduidendste aangetoon. Jonger Suid-Afrikaanse entrepreneurs blyk meer vatbaar vir uitbranding te wees. Geen beduidende verskille is in die vlakke van uitbranding wat deur verskillende geslagte gerapporteer is, bevind nie. Dit wil voorkom of selfbeoordeling die beduidendste bydrae lewer tot die vlak van emosionele uitputting van die ondersoekgroep. Gesinsondersteuning en algemene sosiale ondersteuning het nie ‘n beduidende rol in die uitbranding van die ondersoekgroep gespeel nie. Volgens die resultate van die hiërargiese-regressie ontleding het nie een van die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes ‘n beduidende invloed op die uitbranding van die ondersoekgroep gehad nie. Die moontlikheid van alternatiewe voorspellende faktore in die ervaring van uitbranding moet verder ondersoek word.
Burnout, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs, Personality, Neuroticism, Extroversion, Openness for experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Fortitude, Self-appraisal, Family support, General social support, Job stress, Burn out (Psychology), Businesspeople -- Job stress, Dissertation (M.Sc. (Counselling Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2004