The role of parental employment status in the relationship between traumatic exposure and suicide-risk among adolescents

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Mbhele, Phindile Ellina
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University of the Free State
English: Worldwide, the number of adolescents who view suicide as the only solution to escape stressful life events is continuing to rise. It has been shown that parental employment status is a protective factor against suicide risk by providing emotional and physical resources support in such stressful environments. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between parental employment status, traumatic life exposure, and suicide risk in adolescents. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, and correlational design within the framework of quantitative study was employed. A group of 985 Grade 10 learners from 10 schools in the Free State Province were selected as participants by means of the non-probability random sampling method. A self-compiled biographical questionnaire, the Suicide Ideation Questionnaire for Adolescents, and the Stressful Life Events Questionnaire were used to gather information from the participants. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was conducted to explore whether parental employment status has a moderating or mediating effect in the relationship between stressful life exposure and suicide risk. Results indicate a greater proportion of participants fall within the medium to high suicide-risk groups. Furthermore, the relationship between stressful life exposure and suicide risk was positive at the 1% level of significance (r = 0.179; p = 0.000), while parental employment status showed no moderating effect in the relationship between stressful life exposure and suicide risk. It is recommended that future studies explore how differences in parental employment may affect the above-mentioned variable, as career choices may create different contexts for support and development of adolescents.
Afrikaans: Wêreldwyd is die getal adolessente wat selfmoord as die enigste oplossing beskou om aan stresvolle lewensgebeure te ontkom, aan die toeneem. Die indiensnemingstatus van 'n ouer is aangetoon as ʼn beskermingsfaktor teen selfmoordrisiko deur die voorsiening van emosionele en fisiese hulpbronne wat benodig word om omgewingstressors te hanteer. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verwantskap tussen indiensnemingstatus van ouers, traumatiese lewensblootstelling en selfmoordrisiko by adolessente te ondersoek. 'n Nie-eksperimentele, dwarssnit- en korrelasionele ontwerp binne die raamwerk van kwantitatiewe studie is toegepas. 'n Groep van 985 graad 10-leerders van 10 skole in die Vrystaat Provinsie is deur middel van die nie-waarskynlikheid-, ewekansige steekproefmetode geselekteer. 'n Biografiese vraelys, die “Suicide Ideation Questionnaire for Adolescents” en die “Stressful Life Events Questionnaire” is gebruik om inligting van die deelnemers in te samel. ʼn Hiërargiese meervoudige regressie-analise is uitgevoer om te ondersoek of ouer-indiensnemingstatus 'n modererende of mediërende effek in die verwantskap tussen stresvolle lewensblootstelling en selfmoordrisiko het. Resultate dui daarop dat 'n groter gedeelte van die deelnemers in die medium tot hoë selfmoordrisiko-groepe val. Verder was die verwantskap tussen stresvolle lewensblootstelling en selfmoordrisiko positief op die 1%-vlak van beduidendheid (r = 0.179; p = 0.000), terwyl ouer-indiensnemingstatus geen modererende effek in die verwantskap tussen stresvolle lewensblootstelling en selfmoordrisiko getoon het nie. Dit word aanbeveel dat verdere studies ondersoek hoe verskille in ouer-indiensneming die bogenoemde veranderlike mag affekteer, omdat loopbaankeuses verskillende kontekste vir die ondersteuning en ontwikkeling van adolessente mag skep.
Suicide risk, Stressful life, Traumatic exposure, Adolescents, Parental employment status, Suicide -- Risk factors, Youth -- Suicidal behavior, Suicide -- Prevention, Parent and teenager, Youth -- Counseling of, Dissertation (M.Soc. Sc. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2015