Die rol van godskonsepte vir pastorale terapie: 'n konstrukteoretiese benadering

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Van Jaarsveld, Frederick Johannes
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University of the Free State
English: There are indications that mans' concepts of God are not adequately considered in models for pastoral counseling. These refer to the identification of concepts of God, differences among people's concepts of God as a result of their stages of life, personal constructs, and the restruction of inappropriate concepts of God. The therapist's anthropological beliefs influence his pastoral therapy. With reference to Zerfaê's model for the correction of a Christian-church praxis, a dogmatic point of departure is motivated for a theological anthropology based on doctrines about God with Christ as the norm. Man is described as the image of God, a party in the covenant, and existing in relations. From this description some human characteristics, analogic and complementary to those of God, are deduced. Because people as the objects of pastoral therapy are sinners, sin is discussed in the light of mans' relation to God and to God's creation. The pastoral therapist's therapeutic approach is not only determined by his anthropological orientation, but also by the pastoral model from which he operates. Thus, a number of pastoral models are evaluated and their pneumatological implications for anthropology and therapy indicated. A phenomenological model for pastoral work differs in important characteristics from a pneumatological model. The differences comprise inter alia the sphere of influence, new goals and morals in life, and a specific way of counseling. These constitute pastoral counseling as a trialogue. The above-mentioned facts serve as directives for the development of a basic theory for pastoral therapy. Inthat theory the covenant is indicated as the basic motivation for pastoral therapy. The importance of the eschatological perspective is stressed. The paradigm shift with regard to mans' concepts of God is discussed. Having the basic theory as criterion, a theory in practice which includes a psycho-pastoral anthropology, is formulated. The construct-theoretical approach in this study necessitates a cursory explanation of Kelly's personal construct theory. The empirical research comprises the identification of fifty individuals' concepts of God by means ofa modified form of the repertory grid. Evaluation of the empirical data reveals important differences in concepts of God among three groups of individuals in different stages of life. The differences comprise inter alia the metaphysical-ontological and the human characteristics of God, the paradigm shift to a metaphorical form of speech about God, and the evaluation of metaphors for God. Because inappropriate concepts of God can play a role in the problems clients present to their pastor, directives for the therapeutic restruction of concepts of God are given. Of prime importance is the paradigm from which the pastor facilitates the restruction process. Short and long term goals for achieving spiritual maturity and the use of the Holy Scripture occupy important positions in the restruction process. On strength of the above-mentioned facts a supplementary model for pastoral counseling is postulated. Concepts of God specific to a client's stage of life, personal constructs, and the restruction of concepts of God are implemented in the model. Conclusions drawn from the research are: (1) The repertory grid can be modified to identify mans' concepts of God. (2) People in different stages of the mature life cycle have different concepts of God. (3) The postulation of a supplementary model for pastoral counseling in which the preceding findings are implemented, is possible. Finally, recommendations for the use of the supplementary model for pastoral counseling and future research are made.
Afrikaans: Die vermoede bestaan dat die rol van Godskonsepte nie volledig in bestaande gespreksmodelle vir pastorale terapie verreken word nie. In hierdie verband word verwys na leemtes met betrekking tot die identifikasie van Godskonsepte, verskille by persone se Godskonsepte as gevolg van die bepaalde lewenstadium waarin hulle verkeer, persoonlike konstrukte en die herstrukturering van ontoepaslike Godskonsepte. Pastorale terapie vind teen die agtergrond van die terapeut se antropologiese oortuiging plaas. Aan die hand van ZerfaB se handelingswetenskaplike model vir die korrigering van 'n Christelikkerklike praxis word 'n dogmatiese vertrekpunt vir die teologiese antropologie gemotiveer. Die teologiese antropologie vir die pastorale terapie word in die Godsleer gefundeer en aan Christus genormeer. Die wese van die mens word beskryf as die beeld van God, 'n verbondswese en 'n verhoudingswese. Hieruit word belangrike analogiese en komplementerende eienskappe van menswees afgelei. Omdat die mense waarmee pastorale terapie handel almal sondaars is, word die aktualiteit van die sonde verken in die mens se verhouding tot God en die skepping. In aansluiting by die pastorale terapeut se antropologiese oriëntasie word daar verder aan sy terapeutiese benadering gestalte gegee deur die pastorale model waaruit hy opereer. 'n Aantal saakmakende pastorale modelle word" gevolglik krities verken en geëvalueer. Dit lei tot 'n bespreking van die pneumatologiese implikasies vir antropologie en terapie. Inonderskeiding van 'n fenomenologiese model besit 'n pneumatologiese model vir die pastoraat belangrike kenmerke soos onder meer 'n eiendomlike beïnvloedingsfeer, 'n nuwe lewensgerigtheid en moraal, asook 'n eiesoortige gespreksontmoeting. As sulks konstitueer die pastorale gesprek 'n trialoog. Met inagneming van die voorafgaande word 'n basisteorie vir pastorale terapie ontwikkel. Daarin word die verbond as grortdmotief vir pastorale terapie aangedui en die waarde van 'n eskatologiese perspektief beklemtoon. Die paradigmaverskuiwing met betrekking tot Godskonsepte en die gevolglike rol van Godskonsepte in die pastorale ontmoeting word bespreek. Met die basisteorie as krities-normatiewe kriterium vir 'n praktykteorie word 'n psigopastorale antropologie verwoord. Ter voorbereiding vir die empiriese ondersoek word Kelly se persoonlikekonstruk-teorie kursories verduidelik. Die empiriese ondersoek behels die identifisering van vyftig individue se persoonlike Godskonsepte deur middel van 'n aangepaste vorm van die repertoirerooster. Evaluering van die empiriese data dui op belangrike verskille by mense tydens die verskillende stadia van die volwasse lewensiklus. Dié verskille bestaan onder meer met betrekking tot die metafisiesontologiese en die menslikheidseienskappe van God, die paradigmaverskuiwing na 'n metaforiese spreke oor God en die beoordeling van metafore vir God. Ontoepaslike of 'n gebrek aan toepaslike Godskonsepte speel dikwels 'n rol by die probleme waarmee kliënte 'n pastorale terapeut nader. Gevolglik word die weg vir die terapeutiese herstrukturering van Godskonsepte by 'n aantal kliënteprobleme aangedui. Vanwesenlike belang is die paradigma waaruit die pastorale terapeut die herstrukturering fasiliteer. Geloofsvolwassenheid in die vorm van kort- en langtermyn doelwitte, asook Skrifgebruik, beklee belangrike posisies by die herstruktureringsproses. Aan die hand van die voorafgaande bevindings word 'n aanvullende model vir pastorale gesprekvoering voorgestel. Indie model word verskille by individue se Godskonsepte as gevolg van lewenstadium, persoonlike konstrukte asook die herstrukturering van ontoepaslike Godskonsepte verreken. Die resultate van die navorsingstudie lei tot drie belangrike gevolgtrekkings: (1) 'n Aangepaste vorm van die repertoirerooster is geskik vir die identifisering van persoonlike Godskonsepte. (2) Persone in die verskillende stadia van die volwasse lewensiklus huldig verskillende Godskonsepte. (3) Dit is moontlik om 'n aanvullende model vir pastorale gesprekvoering waarin die voorafgaande bevindings verreken word, te postuleer. Die navorsingsverslag sluit af met aanbevelings aangaande die gebruik van die aanvullende model vir pastorale gesprekvoering en verdere navorsing.
Anthropology, Concepts of God, Human characteristics, Inappropriate concepts, Paradigm shift, Pastoral counseling, Pastoral therapy, Personal construct, Pneumatology, Repertory grid, Stage of life, therapeutic restruction, Trialogue, Psychiatry and religion, Pastoral counseling, Pastoral theology, Thesis (Ph.D. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2001