The symbiotic integration of theory and practice: a sui generis approach

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Bezuidenhout, I. J.
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University of the Free State
English: The teaching of a substantive law subject and the teaching of a practical skills course have the potential for integration. Students should leave institutions of higher learning with theoretical knowledge, practical skills and the ability to integrate both in pursuit of a career. In order to produce well qualified graduates, more attention ought to be paid to practical legal training in the initial years of study. This study intends to recommend possible solutions towards the integration of legal theory and skills. This study advocates the full integration of theory and practice in the law curriculum and will further argue that clinical legal education is the best vehicle to achieve this. The study will conclude that clinical legal education should be viewed as the culmination point of other skills training options. The South African solution to legal education may lie in an approach which combines different methodologies in all four years of the LL. B degree.
Afrikaans: Onderrig van 'n substantiewe regsvak en onderrig van 'n praktiese vaardigheidskursus het die potensiaal om geïntegreer te word. Studente moet hoër onderwysinstellings verlaat met die nodige teoretiese kennis, praktiese vaardighede en die vermoë om gemelde te integreer in navolging van 'n loopbaan. Hierdie studie beoog om moontlike oplossings te bied vir die integrasie van regsteorie en -vaardighede. Die studie beklemtoon volle integrasie van teorie en praktiese vaardighede in die LL. B kurrikulum. Daar word verder geargumenteer dat kliniese regsonderrig die beste metode is om die beoogde doelstelling te bereik. Die gevolgtrekking word bereik dat kliniese regsonderrig die kulminasiepunt is van ander opsies in die ontwikkeling van vaardighede. Die Suid-Afrikaanse oplossing tot regsopleiding mag in 'n benadering geleë wees wat die verskillende metodologieë in al vier studiejare van die LL. B graad kombineer.
Law -- Study and teaching (Higher), Law -- Methodology, Dissertation (LL.M. (Procedural Law and Law of Evidence))--University of the Free State, 2009