Die doeltreffende kommunikasie van beserings aan sportlui deur medici

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Oosthuizen, Elanie
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University of the Free State
English: There is general concern about an increase in the incidence of sports injuries as participation in sport becomes more popular at all levels. A holistic approach to the rehabilitation of sports injuries can enable sportsmen and women to recover from injury more rapidly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the way in which medical professionals communicate details about sports injuries to sportsmen and women, and the attitudes of these sportsmen and women towards the subsequent treatment plan. The research group consisted of 20 injured sportsmen and women that had been participating in sport at provincial level at least. The 20 interviews were individually assessed by two judges in order to determine whether, in the opinion of the sportsman or woman concerned, the details of his/her injury were communicated to him/her in an effective manner. The injured sportsman's or sportswoman's attitude towards the treatment plan was determined in a similar way. Only 15% of the injured sportsmen and women were of the opinion that the doctor displayed empathy when communicating the details of their injuries to them. In contrast, 75% indicated that the medical professional did in fact communicate with them in a straightforward, clear and meaningful way. With regard to attitude, the majority of sportsmen and women (55%) experienced the treatment plan positively, while 45% experienced the treatment plan negatively. No significant relationship was found between the way in which details of injuries are communicated to sportsmen and women, and their attitude towards the subsequent treatment plan. A recommendation is made for the further investigation of the importance of non-verbal communication between medical professionals and sportsmen and -women.
Afrikaans: Daar is 'n algemene besorgdheid oor die toenemende voorkoms van sportbeserings namate deelname aan sportaktiwiteite toeneem. 'n Holistiese benadering tot die rehabilitasie van sportbeserings kan sportlui instaat stelom vinniger van sportbeserings te herstel. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die verband tussen die wyse waarop beserings deur medici aan sportlui gekommunikeer word en laasgenoemde se houding teenoor die daaropvolgende behandelingsplan. Die navorsingsgroep het uit 20 beseerde sportpersone bestaan wat sport minstens op provinsiale vlak beoefen het. Die reeds getranskribeerde 20 onderhoude is deur twee beoordelaars ontleed ten einde te bepaal of die besering volgens die sportlui op 'n doeltreffende wyse aan hom/haar gekommunikeer is. Die beseerde sportlui se houding teenoor die behandelingsplan is op soortgelyke wyse bepaal. Slegs 15% van die beseerde sportlui was van mening dat die dokter met empatie gekommunikeer het. In teenstelling hiermee het 75% aangedui dat die medici wel reguit, duidelik en betekenisvol gekommunikeer het. Met betrekking tot die houding teenoor die behandelingsplan, het die meerderheid sportlui (55%) die behandelingsplan as positief ervaar, terwyl 45% dit as negatief ervaar het. Daar is nie 'n beduidende verband gevind tussen die wyse waarop beserings aan sportlui gekommunikeer word en hul houding teenoor die daaropvolgende behandelingsplan nie. Aanbevelings om die belangrikheid van nie-verbale kommunikasie tussen medici en beseerde sportlui verder te ondersoek, word gemaak.
Psychology, Sports injury, Communication, Criteria of effective verbal communication, Attitude, Rehabilitation programme, Athletes, Medical professionals, Recommendations, South-Africa, Sports injuries -- Treatment, Communication in medicine, Physician and patient, Dissertation (M.A. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2002