An impact evaluation of area-based interventions in Cape Town using multivariate regression analysis

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Geyer, Herman
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Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of the Free State
English: Area-based initiatives are popularly applied to alleviate the spillover effects of neighbourhood poverty in deprived neighbourhoods. This study analyses the effects of two area-based initiatives on neighbourhood poverty in Cape Town between 2001 and 2011 in a controlled baseline study. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the changes were the product of policies themselves or wider structural changes in the national economy, and what were the specific outcomes of the policies. The study revealed that, despite some minor gains, these policies were ineffective in reducing poverty levels in the policy areas, and that poverty levels are primarily determined by the broader changes in the economic environment and in-migration.
Afrikaans: Streeksinisiatiewe word gereeld geïmplementeer om die nagevolge van buurtarmoede in arm buurte te verlig. Hierdie studie analiseer die uitkomste van twee streeksinisiatiewe op buurtarmoede in Kaapstad tussen 2001 en 2011 in ‘n gekontroleerde basislynstudie. Die doel van die studie is om te bepaal of die uitkomste die produk van beleid self was of was as gevolg van die groter strukturele veranderings in die nasionale ekonomie. Verder is die spesifieke beleidsuitkomste ook geanaliseer. Die studie het bepaal dat, ondanks klein aanwinste, hierdie beleide hoofsaaklik oneffektief was in die strewe om buurtarmoede in die beleidsgebiede te verlaag, en dat armoedsvlakke hoofsaaklik deur groter veranderinge in die ekonomiese omgewing en in-migrasie bepaal is.
Sesotho: Boithaopo bo itshetlehileng hodima dibaka bo sebediswa haholo ho fedisa ditlamorao tsa bofuma ba tikoloho tse mabapi, ditikohong tse ka tlasa kgatello. Thuto ena e hlopholla ditlamorao tsa boithaopo bo itshetlehileng hodima dibaka tse pedi bofumeng ba tikoloho e mabapi ka hare ho Kapa (Cape Town) mahareng a dilemo tsa bo 2001 le 2011, thutong ya motheo e tlasa taolo. Sepheo sa thuto ena ke ho netefatsa hore na diphetoho e bile ditlamorao tsa melawana kapa diphetoho tse kgolo tse entsweng ke moruo wa naha,hape le hore ditlamorao tsa melawana e bile dife. Thuto ena e hlahisitse hore ntle le ho sheba diphaello tse nnyane, melawana ena e ne e sa sebetse bakeng sa ho theola maemo a hodimo a bofuma dibakeng tseo melawana e sebediswang ho tsona, mme maemo a bofuma haholo a lekanngwa ke diphetoho tse akaretsang tikolohong e amang moruo le bofalli. Ho ya ka diphetho le diphumano tsa diphuputso, karolo ya tsamaiso ya toropo (e nngwe ya dikarolo tsa morero wa lerato la bophelo “Biophilic planning”, ke mosebetsi o ka sehloohong bakeng sa ho fumana toropo ya bodulo bo bolokehileng. Sephetho sa thuto ena se bohlokwa haholo bakeng sa kaho le ditho tsa sehlopha sa thero ya ditoropo, bareki le ba dithuto tsa tikoloho. Lebaka le leng ke le amang haholoholo dinaha tseo di sa ntseng di hola,e leng moo ho nang le bokgoni bo matla ba tlhaho le diindasteri tse amehang; ho etsa ditshusumetso tse molemo bakeng sa setjhaba le moruo.
Area-based policy, Neighbourhood poverty, Redistribution policies, South Africa
Geyer, H. (2016). An impact evaluation of area-based interventions in Cape Town using multivariate regression analysis. Town and Regional Planning, 69, 17-25.