Post-literacy in Lesotho: implications for training at the Institute of Extra-Mural Studies

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Mofana-Semoko, Mailane
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University of the Free State
English: The lifelong learning needs of modern life and ongoing post-literacy (PL) development have not been fully addressed in Lesotho, due to the current inadequacy of PL training. PL training must include an appreciation of how to engage with learners in their communities, so that relevant PL materials can be developed. PL training requires a deeper understanding of learner contexts. The study explored with the participants their existing literacy practices at two sites in selected rural communities, in two of the nine constituencies of Berea district. An analysis of the findings gave rise to recommendations for how to develop literacy skills. The study used an ethnographic, in-depth case study approach, as advocated by New Literacy Studies (NLS) researchers. It adopted an ethnographic approach to literacy to determine who does what kind of literacy activities, with whom, on what occasions and using what kinds of texts for these purposes. An analytical framework, drawing on NLS concepts, was used to analyse data that indicated domains, events and literacy practices. In order to determine how to make PL education more relevant in Lesotho, the recommendations for training and enhancing literacy practices were made on the basis of direct, participant observations and in-depth interviews. The methods used for collecting data in the ethnographic study were direct observations, participant observations, documents analysis, in-depth interviews, conversations and focus group discussions. The study used multiple methods to achieve triangulation, to represent the participants’ perspectives and enable a holistic approach to understanding the phenomenon of literacy. The theoretical framework draws on the social practices approach to literacy, taken from the NLS movement. The concepts from the theoretical framework, such as literacy domains, local practices and apprenticeship models of learning, provided a means of organising and analysing the study findings thematically. The findings suggest that literacy activities should be regarded as social practices in different contexts. Findings indicate the localised and context-specific nature of existing literacy activities that are embedded in social practices and literacy has a role to play in those social practices. The existing literacy practices involved the private stonemasonry business, Marabi Piggery Association of Women Entrepreneurs (MPAWE), the community councils of Seneke and Kana constituencies, and animal husbandry activities. The findings indicate that the Institute of Extra-Mural Studies (IEMS) at the National University of Lesotho should train literacy facilitators or adult educators in the concept of literacy as social practice. NLS is applicable beyond this ethnographic study. In relation to NLS, the thesis proposes structures to provide learning opportunities and a supportive environment for facilitators and participants to engage with relevant texts for PL activities. Conclusions were drawn from the stories of existing literacy practices. The thematic areas that emerged from the four case studies are literacy mediation, power relationships, apprenticeship learning, oral or verbal communication, the use of information and communication technology and the role of mixed language in literacy practices. The conclusions, based on an analysis of these thematic areas, provide ideas for PL, especially on how to develop PL materials. The recommendations include improving the provision of literacy training within the Adult Education degree programme of the Department of Adult Education in IEMS. Improving literacy training will promote the development of context-relevant PL materials that will enhance existing, context-specific literacy practices. Recommendations for further research into educational needs of existing literacy practices are also given. In this thesis the names of all people and places have been replaced by pseudonyms.
Afrikaans: Behoeftes ten opsigte van lewenslange leer in die moderne lewe, en die voortdurende ontwikkeling van post-geletterdheid (PG), is nog nie ten volle in Lesotho aangespreek nie, weens die huidige ontoereikendheid van PG-opleiding in dié land. Ten einde relevante PG-materiaal te ontwikkel, moet PG-opleiding die maniere waarop leerders in hulle gemeenskappe betrek kan word, insluit. PG-opleiding vereis ‘n dieper begrip van leerders se kontekste. Hierdie studie het, tesame met die deelnemers, bestaande geletterdheidspraktyke by twee plekke in geselekteerde landelike gemeenskappe ondersoek. Die ondersoek is in twee van die nege wyke van die Berea-distrik uitgevoer. ‘n Ontleding van die bevindinge het gelei tot aanbevelings van maniere om geletterdheidsvaardighede te ontwikkel. Die studie het 'n etnografiese diepte-gevallestudiebenadering behels, soos navorsers in die veld van New Literacy Studies (NLS) aanbeveel. Dit het ‘n etnografiese benadering tot geletterdheid gebruik om te bepaal wie by watter soort geletterdheidsaktiwiteite betrokke is, met wie, by watter geleenthede en met behulp van watter soorte tekste, om hulle doelwitte te bereik. ‘n Analitiese raamwerk wat op NLS-konsepte gebaseer is, is gebruik om data te ontleed. Die data het domeine, geleenthede en geletterdheidspraktyke behels. Ten einde te bepaal hoe om PG-opvoeding in Lesotho meer relevant te maak, is aanbevelings vir opleiding en die bevordering van geletterdheidspraktyke op grond van direkte en deelnemerwaarnemings gemaak. Die metodes wat gebruik is om data vir die etnografiese studie te versamel, was direkte waarnemings, deelnemerwaarnemings, dokumentontleding, diepteonderhoude, gesprekke en fokusgroepbesprekings. Die studie het ‘n veelvoud metodes gebruik om triangulasie te doen, om die deelnemers se perspektiewe weer te gee, en om ‘n holistiese benadering tot die begrip van die verskysel van geletterdheid te verseker. Die teoretiese raamwerk is gebaseer op die maatskaplikepraktykebenadering tot geletterdheid, afkomstig van die NLS-beweging. Die konsepte van die teoretiese raamwerk, soos domeine van geletterdheid, plaaslike praktyke en die vakleerlingskapmodel van leer, het ‘n manier verskaf waarop die studiebevindinge tematies georganiseer en ontleed kon word. Die bevindinge suggereer dat geletterdheidspraktyke beskou moet word as maatskaplike praktyke in verskillende kontekste. Bevindinge toon dat die gelokaliseerde en konteksspesifieke aard van bestaande geletterdheidspraktyke vasgelê is in maatskaplike praktyke, en dat geletterdheid 'n rol speel in daardie maatskaplike praktyke. Bestaande geletterdheidspraktyke van ‘n privaat- klipmesselwerkbesigheid, die Marabi Piggery Association of Women Entrepreneurship (MPAWE), die gemeenskapsrade van die Seneke en Kana kiesafdelings, en 'n veeboerdery, is ondersoek. Die bevindinge toon dat die Institute of Extra-Mural Studies (IEMS) van die National University of Lesotho geletterdheidsfasiliteerders of mense wat by volwasseneonderwys betrokke is, moet oplei ten opsigte van die konsepte van geletterdheid as 'n maatskaplike praktyk. NLS is selfs buite hierdie etnografiese studie van toepassing. Met verwysing na NLS stel die tesis voor dat gestruktureerde leergeleenthede en 'n ondersteunende omgewing aan fasiliteerders en deelnemers verskaf moet word, sodat hulle met tekste wat toepaslik is vir PG-aktiwiteite kan omgaan. Gevolgtrekkings is gemaak na aanleiding van verhale van bestaande geletterdheidspraktyke. Die tematiese velde wat uit die vier gevallestudies te voorskyn gekom het, is mediasievermoë, gesagsverhoudings, vakleerlingskapsleer, mondelinge of verbale kommunikasie, die gebruik van inligtings- en kommunikasietegnologie, en die rol van gemengde taal in geletterdheidspraktyke. Die gevolgtrekkings, wat op ‘n ontleding van hierdie tematiese velde gebaseer is, verskaf idees vir PG-opvoeding, veral ten opsigte van hoe om PG-materiaal te ontwikkel. Die aanbevelings sluit in hoe om geletterdheidsopleiding binne die volwasseneonderwys-graadprogram van die Department of Adult Education van die IEMS te verbeter. Beter geletterdheidsopleiding sal aanleiding gee tot die ontwikkeling van konteksrelevante PG-materiale, wat bestaande, konteksspesifieke geletterdheidspraktyke sal bevorder. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing in die opvoedkundige behoeftes van bestaande geletterdheidspraktyke, word ook verskaf. Al die name van mense en plekke waarna hierdie tesis verwys, is skuilname.
Thesis (Ph.D. (School of Higher Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2016, Literacy -- Lesotho, Continuing education -- Lesotho, Adult education -- Lesotho