The perceptions of voluntary aids caregivers concerning hospice managers' provision of support

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Gxabuza, Rosina Nomathamsanqa
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University of the Free State
English: The challenge of HIV/AIDS is a global issue. Instead of decreasing the number of people infected with the disease is increasing. Fortunately we have men and women who volunteer to fight the increase of this pandemic. These heroes and heroines are voluntary AIDS caregivers who are the mainstay of care of people with AIDS. However, the fact that caregivers suffer from loneliness and social isolation related to stigma and discrimination cannot be ignored (cjFlaskerud & Tabora, 1998:21). Voluntary caregivers could benefit from the opportunity to express basic emotions concerning financial, emotional, physical issues and an open line of communication should be in place. Providing an avenue for emotional expression may enhance both physical and mental health to voluntary AIDS caregivers. This is a qualitative study undertaken to explore the perceptions of voluntary AIDS caregivers concerning hospice managers' provision of support. An explorative, descriptive, contextual and qualitative design was used to determine the perceptions of AIDS caregivers concerning hospice managers. Voluntary AIDS caregivers were selected from hospices of the Motheo District. A pilot study was conducted prior to the commencement of the main study. This resulted in paraphrasing the central question as in the "grand tour" (Spradley, 1980:49), Marrow and Smith (1995:42) who ask question such as; "Tell me about your self." Initially two focus groups were selected, comprising of ten participants in each group. Participants were requested without leading them to give detailed information during interviews. Saturation principle was not reached with the two focus groups, as there was no redundancy of information. Subsequently two more focus groups were selected in an endeavor to reach the required saturation point. Eventually four focus groups participated in the study. Data collected was analysed according to Tesch [1990] in Creswell (1994:155) and also by making use of the N VIVO program, a design for qualitative research used to ensure that the complex data was correctly and systematically analysed. The data analysis was followed by a literature control. The findings with regard to the perceptions of voluntary AIDS caregivers concerning hospice managers' provision of support did not differ significantly in personal and vocational support that were identified as main categories. The researcher made recommendations and suggestions were made by voluntary AIDS caregivers are easy to follow and implement. Limitations encountered are discussed.
Afrikaans: Die uitdaging van HIV/VIGS is 'n wêreldwye kwessie. In plaas van 'n verwagte' n afname is daar 'n toename in getalle te bespeur. Gelukkig is daar mans en vroue wat bereid is om as vrywilligers op te tree ten einde hierdie pandemie te beveg. Hierdie helde en heldinne is vrywillige versorgers wat die ruggraat in die versorging van mense met VIGS is. Die feit dat vrywillige versorgers aan alleenheid en sosiale isolasie lei, wat met stimatisering en diskriminering verband hou, kan nie geïgnoreer word nie (cjFlaskerud & Tabora, 1998:21). Vrywillige versorgers kan by die geleentheid om hulle emosies rakende finansiële, emosionele en fisieke aspekte baatvind en oop kommunikasie kanale moet in plek wees. Deur 'n roete te verskaf waardeur emosies uitgedruk kan word, kan beide die fisieke en geestelike welvaart van vrywillige VIGS versorgers verbeter. Hierdie is 'n kwalitatiewe studie wat onderneem is om die persepsies van vrywillige VIGS versorgers rakende hospies bestuurders se voorsiening van ondersteuning te ondersoek. 'n Ondersoekende, beskrywende, kontekstuele en kwalitatiewe ontwerp was gebruik om die persepsies van vrywillige VIGS versorgers te bepaal. Vrywillige VIGS versorgers van die Motheo Distrik is geselekteer. 'n Loots studie is voor die aanvang van die hoof studie uitgevoer. Dit het tot die herformulering van die navorsingsvraag gelei soos in die "grand tour" (Spradley, 1980:49) and Marrow en Smith (1995:121) wat vrae soos "Tell me about yourself' gevra het. Twee fokusgroepe is aanvanklik geselekteer wat uit tien deelnemers in elke groep bestaan het. Deelnemers is versoek om spesifieke inligting gedurende onderhoude te verskaf sonder dat leiding verskaf is. Die versadigingspunt is nie met die twee fokusgroepe bereik nie aangesien daar geen oorbodige . inligting was nie. Daar is dus twee meer fokusgroepe geselekteer ten einde die vereiste saturasiepunt te bereik. Uiteindelik het vier fokusgroepe aan die studie deelgeneem en saturasie is bereik. Data wat ingesamel is, is volgens Tesch [1990] in Creswell (1994: 155) geanaliseer asook deur gebruik te maak van N VIVO, 'n program ontwerp vir kwalitatiewe navorsing. Dit is gebruik om komplekse data korrek en sistematies te analiseer. Die data analise is gevolg deur 'n literatuur kontrole. Die bevindinge ten opsigte van die persepsies van vrywillige HIV versorgers ten opsigte van hospies bestuurders se voorsiening van ondersteuning het die beduidend verskil in persoonlike en beroepsondersteuning wat as hoof kategorieë geïdentifiseer is. Aanbevelings en voorstelle wat maklik gevolg en ge ïmplimenteer kan word is deur vrywillige HIV versorgers geformuleer en is as volg: Toelaag (stipend); emosionele ondersteuning; fisieke ondersteuning; . Voorrade en toerusting; onderrig en opleiding; kommunikasie
Dissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Nursing))--University of the Free State, 2003, AIDS (Disease) -- Patients -- Care, Caregivers -- Services for