A troubled journey: the South African government and the Taxi Recapitalisation Policy, 1998-2008

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Van Schalkwyk, Denver
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University of the Free State
English: This article outlines the South African government’s facilitation of the Taxi Recapitalisation Policymaking (TRP) process which is aimed at regulating the country’s volatile minibus taxi industry. By following a policy stages approach, it highlights why government found it difficult to successfully implement the policy, in particular between 1998 and 2008. The minibus taxi industry became prominent in the 1970s as a result of a loophole in the Road Transportation Act of 1977, which neither defined nor mentioned the word “taxi”. The taxi industry is an important force to be considered by the government in its formulation and implementation of transport policies. However, the industry is plagued by various problems, including a high rate of minibus taxis involved in accidents, un-roadworthy vehicles and violence. It is in this context that the government formulated both the original and revised versions of the recapitalisation policy.
Afrikaans: Die artikel verskaf ’n oorsig van hoe die Suid-Afrikaanse regering die taxi her- kapitaliseringsbeleid gefasiliteer het met die oogmerk om die land se minibus taxibedryf te reguleer. Die doel van die artikel is om, tesame met ’n sogenaamde ‘beleidstappe’ benadering, te beklemtoon hoekom die regering spesifiek tydens 1998 en 2008 dit moeilik gevind het om die beleid te implementeer. Die minibus taxibedryf vervul sedert die sewentigerjare ’n belangrike rol as gevolg van ’n skuiwergat in die Padvervoerwet van 1977 wat versuim het om enigsins na taxi’s te verwys. Die taxibedryf word egter deur verskeie probleme in die gesig gestaar. Hierdie probleme sluit onder andere ’n hoë ongeluksyfer, onpadwaardige voertuie en geweld in. In ’n poging om hierdie probleme in die bedryf te hanteer, het die regering sowel die oorspronklike en hersiene weergawes van die herkapitaliseringsbeleid geformuleer.
Minibus taxis, Taxi Recapitalisation Policymaking (TRP)
Van Schalkwyk, D. C. (2011). A troubled journey: the South African government and the taxi recapitalisation policy, 1998-2008. Acta Academica, 43(1), 79-108.