Music and (re-)translating unity and reconciliation in post-genocide Rwanda

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Barz, Gregory
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University of the Free State
English: This article focuses on the ability of a historically important musical instrument in the East African country of Rwanda, the inanga, to contribute to the (re-)translation of issues related to unity and reconciliation efforts after the genocide of 1994. By concentrating on the transmission of tradition from Kirusu Thomas to Sophie Nzayisenga, from father to daughter, I underscore the significant changes in cultural contexts for historical and contemporary inanga performance while also positioning the instrument within the dominant cultural metaphors of ‘blockage’ and ‘flow’. Throughout the article, I draw on inanga song texts to demonstrate the role of the inanga as cultural translator.
Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel fokus op die potensiaal van ’n geskiedkundig belangrike musiekinstrument in die Oos-Afrikaland van Rwanda, die inanga, om by te dra tot die (her-)vertaling van vraagstukke wat verband hou met pogings tot eenheid en versoening na die menseslagting van 1994. Deur my konsentrasie op die oordrag van tradisie van Kirusu Thomas na Sophie Nzayisenga, van pa na dogter, beklemtoon ek die betekenisvolle veranderinge in kulturele kontekste vir historiese en hedendaagse inanga-uitvoering, terwyl ek terselfdertyd die instrument binne die heersende kultuurmetafore van ‘blokkasie’ en ‘vloei’ posisioneer. In die artikel word inanga liedtekste deurgaans gebruik om die rol van die inanga as medium vir kulturele vertaling te demonstreer.
Rwanda, Iinanga, Culture
Barz, G. (2012). Music and (re-) translating unity and reconciliation in post-genocide Rwanda. Acta Academica: African and other cultures: traces and processes of mutual translation: Supplementum 1, 1-19.