The Socratic method: adult education theories

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Frick, Liezel
Albertyn, Ruth
Rutgers, Linda
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University of the Free State
English: Postgraduate students need to explore their research question(s) from different angles, take ownership of the research process, and develop their own scholarly voice. Supervisors are often ill-equipped to guide students in a strategic and learner-centred manner. The Socratic method draws on strategies to elicit learning through uncertainty in the question-and-answer technique employed. Based on a qualitative study, various adult education theories are used to formulate a rationale for the application of the Socratic method as a tool to facilitate learning in the supervisor-student relationship. Theoretical perspectives which emerged as themes through this study include experiential learning, ontological coaching and empowerment. This article provides a conceptual framework for postgraduate supervisors which could act as a guide to enhance their supervisory practice and facilitate independent student learning.
Afrikaans: Nagraadse studente behoort hulle navorsingsvrae vanuit verskillende invalshoeke te ondersoek, eienaarskap van die navorsingsproses te neem en hulle eie akademiese stem te ontwikkel. Studieleiers is dikwels nie volkome toegerus om studente op ’n strategiese en leerdergesentreerde manier te lei nie. Die Sokratiese metode gebruik verskeie strategieë om ’n leerproses deur die onsekerheid van die vraag-en-antwoordtegniek wat gebruik word uit te lok. Gebaseer op ’n kwalitatiewe studie, word verskeie volwasseneleerteorieë gebruik om ’n rasionaal vir die toepassing van die Sokratiese metode te formuleer. Laasgenoemde dien as ’n hulpmiddel om die leerproses binne die student-studieleierverhouding te fasiliteer. Teoretiese perspektiewe wat deur die loop van die studie as tema’s geïdentifiseer is, sluit leer deur ondervinding, ontologiese opleiding en bemagtiging in. Die artikel verskaf ’n konseptuele raamwerk wat studieleiers van nagraadse studente kan lei om hul studieleiding kan bevorder en om onafhanklike studenteleer te fasiliteer.
Postgraduate students, Supervisors, Socratic method, Adult education theories
Frick, L., Albertyn, R., & Rutgers, L. (2010). The Socratic method: Adult education theories. Acta Academica: Postgraduate supervision: research and practice: Supplementum 1, 75-102.