Demand relations of oilseed products in South Africa

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Van Schalkwyk, Hendrik P.
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University of the Free State
English: In this study demand relations for primary oilseeds in South Africa is estimated and interpreted with the use of econometric models. Two different models, namely the Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS) and the two-step Error Correction Model (ECM), were applied to annual oilseed data for the years 1971-2002. The F ratio test for separability failed to reject the null hyp othesis of weak separability in most cases, indicating that sunflower seed, soybeans, groundnuts and cotton could be included in the same system and modeled together. The Hausman test for exogeneity was conducted and proved that the expenditure variable included in the estimated equations is indeed exogenous. The exogeneity of the expenditure variable provides assurance that the Restricted Seemingly Unrelated Regression (RSUR) method of estimation will provide efficient parameter estimates. Both the short run models are estimated in differenced form, from where the parameter estimates obtained were used to calculate compensated, uncompensated and expenditure elasticities of demand. The compensated own price elasticity of soybeans is the largest in absolute terms, with coefficients ranging from -0.579 in the LA/AIDS to -0.666 in the ECM. Seed cotton has the second largest compensated own price elasticity with -0.399 and -0.542 respectively in the two models. The compensated cross product elasticities indicate a predominantly substituting relationship between these oilseeds, even though not all of them are significant. According to the calculated uncompensated own price elasticities, seed cotton is the most price responsive i.e. (-0.745) in the ECM and soybeans (-0.617), in the LA/AIDS. According to the expenditure elasticities sunflower seed (1.105) and cotton (1.064) can be regarded as luxury oilseeds in South Africa. Soybeans, with expenditure elasticities of between 0.454 and 0.493 in the two respective models, can be regarded as a normal good. Groundnuts can also be regarded as a luxury commodity even though it has an expenditure elasticity of just below one. The fact that the compensated own price elasticity of groundnuts is smaller in absolute terms than the expenditure elasticity is also an indication of a luxury product, as proved by Hicks and Juréen (1962).
Afrikaans: In die studie word vraagverwantskappe tussen primêre oliesade geskat en geïnterpreteer deur middel van ekonometriese modelle. Twee verskillende modelle, naamlik die Linear Approximated Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS) en die Error Correction Model (ECM), is geskat met behulp van data vir oliesade vir die jare 1971-2002. Die F-toets vir onderskeibaarheid het nie daarin geslaag om die nul hipotese van swak onderskeibaarheid te verwerp nie. Die resultaat van die toets beteken dat sonneblom, sojabone, grondbone en katoen in dieselfde sisteem gemoddeleer kan word. Die Hausman toets vir eksogeniteit is uitgevoer en het bewys dat die bestedingsterm wat in die vergelykings ingesluit is, inderdaad eksogeen is. Die eksogeniteit van die bestedingsterm verskaf sekerheid dat die “Beperkte Skeinbare Onverwante Regressie” (RSUR) metode van skatting goeie en betroubare beraamde koëffisiënte sal verskaf. Beide die korttermyn modelle word in eerste verskille geskat, waarna die beraamde koëffisiente wat verkry is, gebruik word om die gekompenseerde, ongekompenseerde en bestedingselastisiteite van vraag te bereken. Die gekompenseerde eieprys elastisiteit van sojabone is die grootste in absolute terme in beide modelle met koëffisiente van -0.579 in die LA/AIDS en -0.666 in die ECM. Katoen het die tweede grootste gekompenseerde eiepryselastisiteit, met -0.399 en -0.542 in die twee modelle respektiewelik. Die gekompenseerde kruiselingse pryselastisiteite dui aan dat die oliesade wat in die studie ingesluit is, oorwegend substitute is, al is daar van die elastisiteite wat nie betekenisvol is nie. Die ongekompenseerde eiepryselastisiteite wat bereken is, dui aan dat katoen die prys sensitiefste is met (-0.745) in die ECM. Sojabone is weer die meeste (-0.617) pryssensitief in die LA/AIDS. Volgens die berekende bestedingselastisiteite is sonneblom (1.105) en katoen (1.064) luukse oliesade in Suid -Afrika. Sojabone se bestedingselastisiteite is tussen 0.454 en 0.493 in die twee modelle onderskeidelik en kan dus gesien word as ‘n normale produk . Grondbone kan ook gesien word as ‘n luukse produk, al is sy bestedingselastisiteit kleiner as een. Die blote feit dat grondbone se gekompenseerde eiepryselastisiteit in absolute terme kleiner is as sy bestedingselastis iteit gee ook die indruk van ‘n luukse produk, soos bewys deur Hick en Juréen (1962).
Oilseed, Demand relations, South Africa, Oilseed plants -- South Africa, Oilseed products -- South Africa, Econometric models, Dissertation (M.Com. (Agricultural Economics))--University of the Free State, 2003