Influence of cropping sequence on wheat production under conservation agriculture in the Eastern Free State

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Visser, Magdalena Hendrika
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University of the Free State
English: Crop rotation is one of the pillars of conservation agriculture (CA). It has been adopted moderately in the summer rainfall area of South Africa, but the adoption of conservation tillage has been very slow. It has been observed that research information on crop rotation helped with the adoption of the CA concept in the Western Cape. Limited research has been done on crop rotation in the Eastern Free State. This study used the crop matrix trial design to evaluate the impact of different cropping sequences in a CA system on the growth, development, yield and quality of wheat as target crop. The profitability and production risk of the different crop rotations were also determined. Only preceding summer crop sequences had a significant (P≤0.1) influence on the yield parameters of the final wheat crop. For the final wheat crop three preceding sequences, namely sorghum × soybean, maize × sunflower and soybean × maize, led to a lower (P≤0.1) number of plants and ears, with a lower biomass and residue yield unit area. Although the poorest response was always recorded on the preceding sorghum × soybean sequence plots, it did not differ significantly from those of the other two crop sequences. The final wheat crop also had a significantly higher TKM and harvest index on preceding sorghum × soybean sequence plots. It was concluded that the lower number of plants on these plots could be attributed to lesser in-row competition for water and nutrients, which resulted in bigger and heavier wheat kernels with a higher TKM. The study confirmed previous research, namely that the final wheat crop planted on second season sunflower plots had a significantly (P≤0.1) higher number of ears m-2, with a better N(grain) use efficiency. That resulted in a significantly higher grain protein content. However, the yield of the final wheat crop did not differ between plantings on second season summer crop plots. Rotation with oats is often recommended to reduce Take-all, a soil-borne disease of wheat. It was found that the final wheat crop planted on second season oats plots had a significantly lower seedling number, with fewer ears and a lower grain yield per unit area. The wheat plants also had a lower (P≤0.1) precipitation use efficiency and grain nitrogen use efficiency, which led to a lower accumulation of grain protein. It was concluded that oats has a negative influence on wheat yield in a rotation system and that the crop should only be used as a break crop against Take-all. Thirty two of the 50 crop rotations had a total profit margin above the chosen target income of R1,000 ha-1. The soybean × maize × wheat rotation gave the highest total profit of R7,549.76 ha-1, while the sorghum × dry bean × wheat rotation realised the highest total loss of R1,903.93. Maize had a stable yield over two seasons, while the yield of the other four preceding summer crops posed a higher production risk under rainy conditions (pod shattering in dry bean and soybean crops), or potential bird damage situations (sunflower and sorghum). The crop matrix technique proved to be a reliable method to generate more information on cropping sequence in the same trial over a much shorter period. A multi-disciplinary approach in future cropping sequence research will help to provide producers with reliable information. If crop sequences can be proven to be effective at research level, clear guidelines and recommendations can be developed to help producers in implementing conservation tillage more successfully in the Eastern Free State.
Afrikaans: Wisselbou is een van die drie pilare waarop die konsep van bewaringslandbou steun. Hoewel produsente in die Somerreënvalstreek van Suid-Afrika wisselbou geredelik toepas, is die aanvaarding van bewaringsbewerking maar stadig. Bewaringsbewerking is in die Wes-Kaap grootliks bevorder deur toepaslike navorsingsinligting oor verskillende wisselboustelsels. Navorsingsinligting rakende wisselboustelsels in die Oos-Vrystaat is beperk. Hierdie studie het ‘n gewasmatriksproefontwerp gebruik om die impak van verskillende gewasopeenvolgings binne ‘n bewaringsbewerkingstelsel te evalueer. Die winsgewendheid en produksierisiko verbonde aan die verskillende wisselboustelsels is terselftertyd bepaal. Slegs die voorafgaande somergewasse het ‘n betekenisvolle (P≤0.1) invloed op die opbrengsparameters van die finale koringgewas gehad. Aanplantings van koring op voorafgaande sorghum × sojaboon, mielies × sonneblom en sojaboon × mielies persele het minder plante en are, met ‘n laer biomassa en residu opbrengs per eenheidsoppervlakte tot gevolg gehad. Alhoewel die voorafgaande sorghum × sojaboon persele elke keer die swakste reaksie getoon het, het dit nie betekeninsvol verskil van die ander twee gewasopeenvolgings nie. Die finale koringaanplanting op die sorghum × sojaboon persele het ook ‘n hoër (P≤0.1) duisendkorrelmassa en oesindeks gehad. Die hoër hektolitermassa kan daaraan toegeskryf word dat mededinging vir water en voedingstowwe binne die plantrye heelwat minder was. Desondanks het die opbrengs van die finale koringgewas wat op sonneblompersele van die tweede seisoen geplant is, nie betekenisvol van dié op ander persele verskil nie. In ooreenstemming met vorige navorsing is gevind dat koring op die tweede seisoen sonneblompersele meer (P≤0.1) are m-2 gevorm het, met ‘n beter N(graan) verbruiksdoeltreffendheid. Dit het tot ‘n hoër proteïeninhoud van die graan gelei. Hawer word dikwels as ‘n wisselbougewas gebruik om vrotpootjie, ‘n grondgedraagde siekte van koring, te verminder. In die huidige studie is bevind dat die finale koringgewas op hawerpersele van die tweede seisoen ‘n betekenisvol laer aantal saailinge met minder are en ‘n laer graanopbrengs per eenheidsoppervlakte gehad het. Die koringplante het ook ‘n laer (P≤0.1) reëngebruiksdoeltreffendheid en graanstikstofgebruiksdoeltreffendheid gehad, wat tot ‘n laer akkumulasie van graanproteïen gelei het. Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat hawer die potensiaal het om koringopbrengste in ‘n wisselboustelsel te verlaag en dus slegs vir vrotpootjiebeheer gebruik moet word. Twee-en-dertig van die 50 gewasrotasies het ‘n groter totale winsgrens as die gekose mikpuntbedrag van ‘n R1,000 ha-1getoon. Die sojaboon × mielie × koring rotasie het die hoogste wins van R7,549.79 ha-1 gelewer, terwyl die sorghum × droëboon × koring rotasie die grootste verlies van –R1,903.39 gerealiseer het. Mielies het ‘n bestendige opbrengs oor twee seisoene getoon. Die opbrengste van soja- en droëbone was egter laer na reën in die oestyd van die tweede seisoen en die opbrengste van sonneblomme en sorghum moes as gevolg van voëlskade afgeskryf word. Die gewasmatriks-proefontwerp is suksesvol gebruik om meer inligting rakende gewasopvolging oor ‘n korter tydperk in te samel. Hierdie navorsingsveld is ‘n braakland vir samewerking tussen verskillende navorsingsdissiplines om betroubare riglyne aan produsente te verskaf waarmee hulle risiko meer effektief kan bestuur. Indien navorsinginligting rakende die riskoverlagende effek van gewasopeenvolgings aan produsente verskaf kan word, kan dit die aanvaarding van bewaringsbewerkingpraktyke in die Oos-Vrystaat bevorder.
Dissertation (M.Sc.Agric. (Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences))--University of the Free State, 2014, Wheat -- South Africa -- Eastern Free State, Conservation tillage, Crop rotation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape, Agricultural conservation -- South Africa -- Eastern Free State, Production risk, Production cost, Dryland wheat production