Nutritional value of South African quality protein maize before and after storage

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Phalafala, Lekgolwa Tyson
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University of the Free State
English: Maize is the main source of proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and lipids for many people, and the world-wide demand for these primary nutrients is growing continuously. The physical and compositional characteristics of maize are of utmost importance. Quality protein maize (QPM) has a high nutritional value, but its nutritional content may be affected by storage conditions. The objectives of this study were to determine the nutritional composition of South African open-pollinated QPM varieties and a QPM hybrid, compared with normal maize hybrids and finally to evaluate the influence of different storage conditions on these measured nutritional characteristics. This was realised by exposing the seed of these genotypes to 3.6oC, 18.5oC and 30oC for 0, 6 and 12 months of storage. The nutritional quality and endosperm characteristics of these genotypes were measured first before storage and then after 6 and 12 months of storage, respectively. Before storage, open-pollinated QPM, a QPM hybrid and maize genotypes had comparable amounts of minerals, amylose and starch, revealing that the two types of tested maize genotypes were not necessarily different from each other. However, protein content in QPM was significantly higher than in normal maize genotypes. Some zein peaks were also different in QPM than in normal maize genotypes. Zein peaks of both QPM and normal maize were significantly increased by warm storage conditions (18.5oC and 30oC) for 6 and 12 months of storage. A 5oC temperature did not significantly influence the zein peaks of both QPM and normal maize genotypes for 6 and 12 months of storage. During storage, one open-pollinated QPM genotype SYN2QWQPM retained higher amylose, starch and protein content than non-QPM and other QPM genotypes. This suggests that optimal conditions for storage are distinctive for different genotypes, and it is possible to suggest some general guidelines for storage to maintain endosperm and nutritional characteristics. The protein and endosperm characteristics were negatively influenced by storage at 3.6oC, 18.5oC and 30oC, but SYN15QWQPM was least affected. The 3.6oC for 12 months and 18.5oC for 6 months seemed to be the most favourable conditions to retain kernel stability in terms of the measured characteristics. The results suggest that there is a need for adoption of QPM as it had better protein quantity and quality than the normal maize hybrids.
Afrikaans: Mielies is die hoof bron van proteïene, minerale, koolhidrate en vette vit baie mense, en die wêreldwye aanvraag na hierdie primêre voedingstowwe groei voortdurend. Die fisiese eienskappe en smaestelling van mielies is baie belangrik. Kwaliteit proteïen mielies (QPM) het ‘n verbeterde voedingswaarde, maar die voedingswaarde kan deur storingstoestande beïnvloed word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die voedingswaarde en samestelling van Suid Afrikaanse oopbestuifde QPM genotipes en ‘n QPM baster, in vergelyking met normale mielie basters te bepaal en om dan die invloed van verskillende storingstoestande op sekere voedingswaardes te bepaal. Dit is gedoen deur die saad bloot te stel aan 3.6oC, 18.5oC en 30oC vir 0, 6 en 12 maande van storing. Die voedings en endosperm eienskappe van hierdie genotipes is gemeet voor storing en daarna by 6 en 12 maande van storing onderskeidelik. Voor storing het die oopbestuifde QPM, die QPM baster en die gewone mielie genotipes vergelykbare hoeveelhede minerale, amilose en stysel gehad, wat getoon het dat die twee tipes mielies nie noodwendig van mekaar verskil het nie. Die proteïeninhoud van die QPM genotipes was egter betekenisvol hoër as die van die normale mielie genotipes. Seker zeïen pieke was verskillend tussen QPM en gewone mielie genotipes. Zeïen pieke van beide QPM en gewone mielies is betekenisvol verhoog by warm storingstoestande (18.5oC en 30oC) vir 6 en 12 maande van storing. Die 5oC temperatuur het geen betekenisvolle invloed op die zeïen pieke van beide gewone en QPM mielies gehad na 6 en 12 maande van storing gehad nie. Tydens storing het een oopbestuifde QPM genotipe, SYN2QWQPM, hoër amilose, stysel en proteïeninhoud as gewone mielies en ander QPM genotipes behou. Dit is ‘n aanduiding dat optimale storingstoestande verskil van een na die ander genotipe, maar dit is moontlik om algemene riglyne voor te stel vir storing om endosperm en voedingseienskappe te behou. Die proteïen en endosperm eienskappe is negatief beïnvloed deur storing by 3.6oC, 18.5oC en 30oC, maar SYN15QWQPM is die minste beïnvloed. Die 3.6oC temperatuur vir 12 maande en 18.5oC vir 6 maande was die beste toestande om saad stabiliteit vir die gemeette eienskappe te behou. Die resultate het aangedui dat QPM gebruik moet word, omdat dit beter proteïen kwantiteit en kwaliteit het as gewone mielie basters.
Dissertation (M.Sc.Agric. (Plant Sciences/Food Sciences))--University of the Free State, 2013, Corn -- South Africa, Corn -- Nutrition -- South Africa, Corn -- Economic aspects -- South Africa, Amylose, Nutritional composition