Volwassewording as problematiek in pastorale konteks

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Bezuidenhout, Jacobus Philippus
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University of the Free State
English: This study is a search for answers to five problem areas in connection with the pastor’ s pastorate, namely: • The necessity of a pastor’s Biblically-grounded pastoral anthropological approach with a view to a diaconiological epistemological pastorate. • The facilitation of a church member by the pastor.in the process of becoming a mature believer • The utilisation of a postmodern narrative therapy within a diaconiologic epistemological frame of reference is highly questionable and requires the construction of a Reformed-narrative pastoral approach. • The part the Holy Spirit plays in the pastoral process necessitate elucidation. • The relevance of the covenant in a Reformed-narrative pastoral therapy. This study points out the intrinsic distinctiveness between the psychological anthropological point of departure, the different pastoral models, man’s postmodernistic point of view and feminism. In the light of the church member’s process of growing in faith is it necessary to construct a Biblically-grounded pastoral anthropology. The study examines the phenomena psychological adulthood and faith adulthood. The praxis-theoretical implications in connection with facilitating the process of faith maturation were stressed in view of the roleplayers in the facilitation (especially the pastor). This includes the pastor’s education and equipment, his conversational approach, and the covenantal viewpoint. The study also points out the discrepancy in the pastor’ s approach when using postmodernistic narrative therapy methods within a diaconiological epistemological approach as he guides the church member in his/her process of faith maturation. The postmodernistic narrative pastoral therapy is evaluated deconstructively and then formulated reconstructively in a new outcome, namely a Reformed-narrative pastoral therapy within a diaconiological epistemology. In addition, the role of the covenant in the therapeutic approach is emphasised by means of pastoral markers as a guideline in the facilitation process. Throughout the study emphasis is laid on the trinitarian dimension (Holy Spirit, pastor and church member) in the conversational approach.
Afrikaans: Hierdie studie vors vyf samehangende probleemareas na met betrekking tot die pastoraat van die pastor in die gemeente, naamlik: • Die noodsaaklikheid van ‘n Bybels-pastorale antropologiese benadering van die pastor met die oog op ‘n diakoniologiese epistemologiese pastoraat. • Die pastor se fasilitering van die lidmaat in sy proses van geloofsvolwas- • sewording. • Die gebruik van ‘n postmoderne narratiewe terapie binne die raamwerk van ‘n diakoniologiese epistemologie word ernstig bevraagteken en vra na die konstruering van ‘n Gereformeerd-narratiewe terapeutiese pastorale benadering. • Die rol van die inwerking van die Heilige Gees in die pastorale proses noodsaak toeligting. • Die relevansie van die verbond in ‘n Gereformeerd-narratiewe pastoraat. Die studie wys op die intrinsieke onderskeid tussen die antropologiese uitgangspunte van die psigologie, verskeie pastoraatmodelle, die postmoderne mens en die feminisme. In die lig van die lidmaat se proses van geloofsvolwassewording word ‘n Bybels-pastorale antropologie gekonstrueer. Die klem val op die nagaan en omskrywing van die fenomene van psigiese en geloofsvolwassenheid. Die wedersydse inwerking en uitwerking op mekaar word dan uitgelig. Om die geloofsvolwassewordingsproses verder te belig, word die rol van geloofsonvolwassenheid, asook die relevansie vir die pastoraat, aangedui. Die praktyk-teoretiese implikasies wat die fasilitering ten opsigte van die proses van geloofsvolwassewording vir die pastorale rolspelers (veral die pastor) inhou, word ontleed en aangedui. Dit sluit onder meer in die opleiding en toerusting van die pastor, sy gespreksbenadering en ‘n verbondsperspektief. Die studie ontbloot die onmoontlikheid vir die pastor om vanuit ‘n postmoderne narratiewe pastorale benadering ‘n lidmaat diakoniologies-epistemologies te fasiliteer in sy groei tot geloofsvolwassenheid. In die lig hiervan word die postmoderne narratiewe pastorale benadering dekonstruktief geëvalueer om daarna in ‘n nuwe uitkomste gerekonstrueer te word, naamlik ‘n Gereformeerd-narratiewe pastorale terapie vanuit ‘n diakoniologiese epistemologie. Komplementêr daarmee word klem gelê op die rol wat die verbond speel, in hierdie terapeutiese benadering deur middle van pastorale merkers met die oog op die lidmaat se geloofsvolwassewording. Deurgaans word gelet op die trialogiese dimensie (Heilige Gees, pastor en lidmaat) in die gespreksbenadering.
Thesis (D.Th. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2005, Faith development, Faith -- Psychological aspects, Adulthood -- Psychological aspects, Developmental psychology, Anthropology, Biblical-pastoral anthropology, Deconstruction, Faith maturity, Reformed-narrative pastoral therapy, Pastoral conversational approach, Postmodern narrative pastoral therapy, Psychological maturity, Covenantal pastoral markers