Ontgroeningspraktyke in skole: ’n ondersoek na die spanning tussen populere diskoerse en die regsraamwerk

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Potgieter, Eduard
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University of the Free State
Oor die jare heen het die mate waarin ontgroening plaasvind, net meer intens geraak. Die wrede ontgroeningspraktyke wat tydens ontgroeningseremonies by instansies en spanne plaasvind, word oorgedra van groep tot groep. Ten spyte van ʼn baie duidelike 2002 beleid wat ontgroening by alle skole in Suid-Afrika verbied, blyk dit vandag nog ʼn werklikheid in sommige skole te wees, aangesien daar telkens aan die begin van die jaar daaroor in die media berig word. Op die oog af word die praktyke deur die leerders aanvaar, en deur volwassenes goedgekeur. Dit het my opgeval tydens my Meesterstudie dat mense sterk standpunt ten gunste van ontgroening inneem, al kom sulke praktyke as skadelik voor, en al word dit verbied. ʼn Literatuursoektog het dit duidelik gemaak dat navorsing oor die fenomeen binne die konteks van Suid-Afrika uiters beperk is. Selfs internasionale bronne is taamlik beperk. Wat egter duidelik was, is dat daar wel steun vir die praktyk is, ten spyte daarvan dat dit nie in lyn met die handhawing van menseregte is nie. Dit het vir my voorgekom asof daar, binne ʼn konstitusionele bestel soos Suid-Afrika, op die oog af spanning is tussen die populêre opinie en dit wat die reg voorskryf. Dit het my gelei om die volgende navorsingsvraag in die studie te stel: Watter klaarblyklike spanninge kan blootgelê word tussen die regsraamwerk en populêre diskoerse rakende ontgroeningspraktyke by skole? Die studie word ondersteun deur Festinger se Teorie van Kognitiewe Dissonansie. Volgens Festinger se teorie moet ʼn mens se oortuigings en dade ooreenstem, anders sal ʼn persoon buite karakter optree. Tydens ontgroeningspraktyke weet individue dat hulle aan dade en praktyke deelneem wat heeltemal teen die oënskynlik aanvaarbare gedrag indruis. Desnieteenstaande ʼn gevoel van weersin jeens die aktiwiteite, neem die persoon steeds deel, en so ontstaan ʼn wanbalans. Individue verander dus hulle persepsies en oortuigings teenoor ontgroening, sodat dit in hul gedagtes aanvaarbaar word, omdat hulle hierdie dissonansie wil afweer. Deur hulle dissonansie met betrekking tot ontgroeningspraktyke te verminder, verlaag hulle spanning en hulle gee toe tot deelname aan aktiwiteite waarteen hulle normaalweg sou vasskop. Ek het terselfdertyd na Morgenthau se Balans van Mag Teorie verwys, wat uitwys dat persone morele waardes opsy sal skuif in hulle drang na mag. Dit kom na vore wanneer seniors gemeen, onredelik en selfs vernietigend teenoor juniors optree, in ʼn poging om hulle mag te vertoon. ʼn Literatuurstudie oor ontgroening in die Suid-Afrikaanse opset is onderneem. Verder is ontgroening as internasionale verskynsel ondersoek deur na Indië, Amerika en Engeland te kyk, en te bepaal wat die effek daarvan op dié lande is. Die regsraamwerk rakende ontgroening is ook beskryf. Die verskillende terme en definisies is beskryf, en die regsverpligtinge en regsgevolge van al die rolspelers in die onderwys rakende ontgroening is volledig uitgelig. Hofsake rakende ontgroening of wat in verband staan daarmee is ook bespreek. Die regsraamwerk toon duidelik dat enige vorm van ontgroening onwettig is. Deur middel van ʼn kwalitatiewe benadering is semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude gevoer en kommentaar is versamel om te bepaal hoe die verskillende rolspelers oor ontgroening voel. Die studie sluit af met kritiese kommentaar ten opsigte van die regsraamwerk en populêre diskoerse. Die siklus van ontgroening sal nie gebreek kan word as dit steeds ondersteun word nie. Geen ontgroening is toelaatbaar nie en dit druis in teen alle wetgewing wat ontgroeningspraktyke verbied. Baie leerders en volwassenes glo steeds dat die ontgroening wat hulle deurmaak of deurgemaak het van waarde is. Hulle swaarkry en vernedering berei hulle glo voor vir die lewe daarbuite, wat nie maklik is nie. Magsvergrype tydens ontgroening kom algemeen voor, nie net in Suid-Afrika nie maar wêreldwyd. Die seniors wat in beheer is wil demonstreer hoe magtig en belangrik hulle is. Hoe erger die vernedering, aanranding en mishandeling, hoe magtiger glo die seniors sal hulle vertoon. Alhoewel skoolhoofde en personeel aan beleide en wette moet gehoor gee wat ontgroening verbied, gaan hulle steeds voort om ontgroening aan te moedig of self daaraan deel te neem. Die magskringloop of siklus van ontgroening bly ʼn realiteit. Ontgroening sal slegs stopgesit kan word as die kultuur daar rondom verander, en die regering alle rolspelers oortuig om oor hierdie kwessie saam te werk.
In recent times the degree to which initiation in schools has been taking place has become more intense. The cruel initiation practices applied during initiation ceremonies in institutions and teams persist from one group to the next. Despite a very clear 2002 policy prohibiting initiation in all South African schools, it still seems to be a reality if one looks at the number of media reports on the topic at the start of each academic year. At face value it seems as if these practices are accepted by learners, and supported by adults. During the course of this study it became clear that people have strong positive feelings towards initiation, even though such practices may be harmful, and are actually against the law. My literature review revealed that very limited research on this topic has been done in South Africa. Even international literature is quite limited. This study revealed strong support for initiation practices, even though they go against basic human rights. I perceived discord between popular opinion and legislative guidelines on this topic in South Africa as a constitutional dispensation. This led me to the following research question: What apparent tensions can be uncovered between the legal framework and popular discourse regarding initiation practices in the school environment? This study is supported by Festinger’s Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. According to Festinger’s ideas, an individual’s views and deeds must be in alignment, otherwise the person will act contrary to his/her character. During initiation practices individuals take part in acts that they know are in opposition to acceptable behaviour. Despite feelings of aversion against these activities, juniors still take part, and a discord develops between their thoughts and their feelings. Individuals therefore adapt their perceptions and convictions towards initiation, until it seems acceptable to them, in an attempt to deal with this dissonance. By dealing with this dissonance, juniors will take part in almost any bizarre activity just to get it over and done with to be able to return to normal. I also referred to Morgenthau’s Balance of Power Theory, which demonstrates that people will cast aside their moral values in a desire for power. This becomes an issue when seniors act in a mean, unreasonable and sometimes even destructive way towards juniors in an attempt to display their power. A literature review was done regarding initiation in the South African environment. Initiation as experienced by countries such as India, America and England was examined in attempt to determine its impact in these countries. The legal framework that applies to initiation practices was discussed. The different terms and definitions were explained and the legal responsibilities and legal outcomes of all the stakeholders in the educational system regarding initiation practices were investigated. Case law concerning initiation was also discussed. The existing legislative framework clearly indicates that initiation practices in any form whatsoever are illegal. By making use of a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted and comments were collected to determine how the different role-players feel about initiation. The study concludes with critical commentary on the legal framework and popular discourse. The cycle of initiation will never be broken if some of these role-players persist in supporting it. No form of initiation is allowed as it goes against all legislation. Many students and adults still believe that the initiation practices which they are subjected to have a certain degree of value. Their suffering and degradation apparently prepares them for life in the hard, big wide world. The abuse of power during initiation is a common occurrence, both in South Africa and internationally. The seniors in charge want to demonstrate their power and importance, which they believe will increase if they treat the juniors badly. Although principals and teaching staff should adhere to policies and legislation regarding initiation, they persist in encouraging it and even take part in it themselves. The power cycle of initiation remains a reality. As long as a strong culture exists that supports initiation, the government and the Department of Education will struggle to eradicate the problem and initiation practices will continue due to public support.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education Studies))--University of the Free State, 2020, Festinger se Kognitiewe Dissonansie Teorie, Morgenthau se Balans van Mag Teorie, Ontgroeningspraktyke, Regsraamwerk, Regsverpligtinge, Regsgevolge, Festinger’s Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, Initiation practices, Initiation ceremonies, Initiation -- Legislative guidelines, Legal framework, Legal responsibilities, Legal outcomes, Morgenthau’s Balance of Power Theory